5) BakuDeku- 7 Minutes In Heaven

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The day for the school festival was drawing near and the class had gotten together again to work on their performance. They had been at it since school had ended that night, and they were so tired that they felt like their legs and fingers were gonna fall off. 

They decided to take a small break before continuing. "You know what, I'm kind of hungry. Do you guys want anything from the cafeteria?" asked Uraraka as she got up from the couch and faced the class. 

"Mmm.. I think just a water bottle would be nice. After all the sweat I lost from dancing, I'm feeling pretty dehydrated haha" Ojiro replied. Uraraka nodded her head happily as she somehow still had the energy to skip to the cafeteria to get some refill for their lost energy. 

"What do you guys say we have some fun now?" Mina was eyeing everyone with a sly look on her face and wriggling her fingers like some sort of villain. 

"How are you not tired after practicing the whole afternoon? It depends on what kind of fun you're talking about" said Momo, barely able to keep her eyelids open from exhaustion. 

"How about we play.... 7 minutes in heaven!!" 

Mineta and Kaminari eyed each other with an almost desperate look of lust while their mouth turned very watery. 

"YES! EVERYONE HERE HAS TO PLAY. IF YOU DON'T, THEN IT'LL SHOW JUST HOW MUCH OF A COWARD YOU REALLY ARE" Mineta said, a fiery atmosphere forming around him. 

"HA?? YOU REALLY THINK I'LL PLAY ALONG WITH YOUR STUPID LITTLE GAME??" Bakugou's pupils disappeared along with his okay-ish mood. 

Everyone else was also starting to murmur to each other, wondering if this was a good idea. It could turn out really bad in a matter of minutes and then they would get in trouble for it, maybe even cancelling their participation in the festival altogether. 

"Uhm.. I-I'll play.." Deku shyly fidgeted in his seat. "O-only if it doesn't become too irrational!" 

The rest of the class looked at Deku and then quickly rethought their choice. Deku was going to be playing after all. 

"All right then I'll play too"

"Yeah, me too!"

"Okay fine, but if it gets out of hand we should stop immediately!" 

The whole class joined the game and the only one left now was Bakugou. The whole class practically pleaded with their eyes for Bakugou to join. "Ugh, okay fine! But I'm only doing this cause I don't have anything better do to!" 

Uraraka had came back with the water bottles for everyone, and they ultimately ended up using one of their water bottles to use to spin. 

"Quick explanation of the rules: the person who spins the bottle has to lock themselves in the closet with the person the bottle lands on. They stay in the closet and can do whatever  they want until the 7 minutes are over. Pretty easy, right? Now lets begin!" Mina shouted excitedly. 

Kaminari was the first to spin the bottle. Of course Mineta wanted to be the first, but they didn't trust him enough to go first. They actually didn't even want Mineta to play, but thought it would be too mean if they didn't at least let him participate. 

The bottle spun and spun until it finally started slowing down. Everyone's eyes were on the bottle waiting for it to stop, the anticipation drawing them closer to the bottle to see who the chosen one would be. It finally landed on Jirou. 

The whole class cheered and 'ooooo'ed at the both of them, causing both of them to become beet red. 

They went to the janitors closet and Jirou complained on her way there. "I swear if you so much as put a single hair on me.." was all that was heard as the door closed behind her. 

BakuDeku - One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz