2) TodoBakuDeku - Jealous

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Todoroki's POV-

There they go again, always arguing. It's like they don't even realize the whole class is watching. Ah, what are they arguing about again? Something about homework? I'm not even paying any attention anymore. Can't they do this in private?

Midoriya and Bakugou have recently started dating, and it was actually no surprise considering the whole class knew about it and even expected it. The problem now was getting along. Ironic isn't it? The way they are together, yet don't even act like it. How did it even get like this in the first place? Who asked who? And why now? So many unanswered questions and all this thinking was giving me a headache. Mr. Aizawa should've said something already.

"You were the one who kept distracting me so I couldn't finish!"

"Oh, don't you start blaming this on me you damn nerd!"

Seriously, couldn't they just drop it? By now the whole class was just staring at the two of them, seeing the situation escalate.

" ...Fine. Have it your way." Midoriya said with tears in his eyes.

"HUH?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'HAVE IT YOUR WAY'?" Bakugou said, now furious.

"...I.. I've had enough..."


Somehow, that one statement pulled my attention back to the scene again, confusion and other emotions I couldn't put a name to, rising to the surface.

Why? Why did Midoriya say that? What has he gone through? How has Bakugou been treating him? Why did he treat him this way? Why did Midoriya not ever fight back?

And then the bell rang. Even Mr. Aizawa was shocked at the sudden confession that he flinched when the loud ring dismissed the class.

Midoriya was the first one out the door, forgetting his stuff at his desk. Bakugou was starting to run after him but I was fast enough to grab his arm to hold him back.

It's not that I hated Bakugou. It was the opposite in fact. He amazed me. I just never understood his actions or why he treated Midoriya like that. I knew deep down that Bakugou needed someone to understand him, somehow. Especially now. I wanted to help him and I was going to do whatever it takes.

I started leading him to the bathroom and he surprisingly followed, and not once tried to stop me. He was looking down at the floor the whole time, and his body looked almost limp. His hair covered his face, but I could still see he was a little flustered. I finally reached the bathroom and I opened it for him, gesturing him to go in.

He walked in and I closed the door. I had my back to him so I couldn't see his face. I was... angry? No, I don't think that's the right word. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before speaking, but he cut me off.

"I'm jealous..."

"What?" I was confused. Where did this come from?

"I was jealous of you okay! He couldn't keep his stupid eyes off you during our lunch breaks, and he talks about you all the time when we're alone! It pisses me off so much! Why does he get your attention while I'm over here trying to get his?! Damn it, it's not fair! He's supposed to be with me! AND YOU DON'T EVEN SO MUCH AS BAT AN EYE TOWARDS HIM! HOW DO YOU THINK THAT MAKES HIM FEEL, HUH?!"

What? So he's jealous of me? Is that what this feeling is? Ah, I see now. Jealousy. I smiled, but it didn't hold any humor. I was so blind to my own emotions that I couldn't see how Midoriya or Bakugou felt.

I finally half turned. I still didn't look him in the eye, but I saw just enough from the corner of my eye. He was gripping the sink for support. Or maybe out of frustration.

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