Valentines day

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It was about 11:30 when a certain end purple guy stood outside of Scott's door, using a lock pick to attempt getting into the home of this phone masked weirdo. Vincent successfully managed to open the door and grinned widely. He then stepped back and kicked the door open, walks in just a little and throwing his arms up.
" Honey! I'm home~" Vincent yelled through the two story house.

Scott, whom was upstairs -not wearing that phone mask- sitting in his bed trying to sleep. Though interrupted by the sudden bang and slam of a door agisnt the wall, a voice following soon after screaming out 'honey, I'm home'.
Scott, whom instantly knew who it was sighed heavily then pulled his covers over his head and stuffed his head into a pillow. The pounding of feet coming up the stairs and to his room didn't bother him. It was atleast the 5th time Vincent had broken in. Vincent kicked opened Scott's door and grinned in the door way, staring at the cacoon shaped bump in the sheets of the bed.
"Where ya been sweet cheeks?" He walks over to the bed, pulling the sheets away quickly.
"Vincent, no" Scott said, glancing at the purple guy now leaning onto the bed and over Scott.
"Watcha been doing without me?" Said Vincent, keeping that famous grin on his face.
"Why do you care??"

"Why wouldn't I care"

Scott moved away from Vincent, towards the wall, though the purple man grabbed Scott's wrists and places his knees on either side of Scott's legs. "You know~," Vincent continued. "Valentines day is tomorrow"

Scott managed to get his wrists free and held theme agisnt his chest. "Yeah, I know"

Vincent stood there, grinning. "So, what'd you get me?"

"Nooottthing?" Scott said, unsure of Vincent's response to his lack of a gift though he didn't care much.

Vincent crossed his arms. "Really now?? Well, I got you something."

"That doesn't mean I have to give you anything" said Scott, crossing his arms.

"Aww~" said Vincent as he reached behind his back. "But you know I love you~" he pulled out a large box of candies from his back shirt and held it out- "it's 12:01 so already it's valentines day"
Scott backs away slightly, shaking his head. Knowing Vincent there's probably some drug in there or maybe alcohol. Though Vincent sits next to him, putting his arm around Scott's shoulder and placing the box on the phone guy's lap.

"At least have one babe!" Said Vincent as he opened the container slightly, the smell of chocolate flowing through out the air.

"I'd rather not." Said Scott as he moves his head back.

"Pleaaaasssseeee Scotty??" Said the purple man as he set the boxes top to the side. "I wouldn't be able to eat all these by my self"

"No thanks." Said Scott, crossing his arms and looks to the man with blank eyes. He made a strange puppy dog face, though Scott only chuckles slightly. "That's not gonna work on me Vincent."

Having had enough, Vincent grabbed a chocolate then pressed his thumb and fore figure against Scott's cheeks, pushing his cheeks up and attempting to open his mouth. Though Scott not letting him.
Vincent sighed heavily. "Fine" he pops the chocolate into his mouth. "If they weren't fucking drugged I wouldn't be eatin it."

"Did I say anything about it being drugged?" Scott crossed his arms.

Vincent grinned. "Knowing you, you'd probably be thinking that" he kisses Scott's cheek.

Scott slides away. "I'm not eating theme either way"

Vincent then lays his head on Scott's lap, grinning while looking at him. "Hey sexy"

"Don't even start this." Scott said as Vincent sits up on his lap, pressing their nose tips together. Scott tried moving away but it was no use.

Vincent stares at the soft lips of the other. He cups Scott's face, holding him in place. "Pucker up Scotty cause your gonna get a little sweets~" he leans in, closer to Scott's face.
Scott grabs Vincent's wrists and tries to pull theme off. "God dammit Vincent, no"
Vincent presses his lips agisnt Scott's, holding him in place. Scott struggled beneath him as he was resilient to give up. Though his hands were pinned he managed to move his head to the side. "I said no"
"Aw come on babe, just a little?" Vincent says as he releases one of Scott's hands, only to move his own to Scott's chin and turning theme towards one another. Scott tried to shove him away with his free hand while the other attempted to taste his lips again. Eventually Scott shoved Vincent off, the other only laughed then hugged Scott's waist, rubbing his head under Scott's chin making a slight purring sound.
Scott sighs slightly then looks at him. "Why the hell do you insist on doing these things after I say no?"
Vincent chuckles. "Cause your hella sexy," he said while wearing that famous grin of his.
" that's a no you weirdo"
Vincent then looks up at him, scooting up slightly still wearing that grin.
"Why the fuck are you making that face?"
"Cause your so damn cute" Vincent replies as he licks along Scott's cheek slowly.
Scott shivers then move away, only to feel the wall hit his back. Vincent grins wider, if possible as he jumps onto Scott's lap. His arms snaking around Scott's neck, Vincent leaned down and licks Scott's ear and whispered, "you know, I'll screw you so hard you wot be able to move after were done"
Scott's face blazed red, "h-how about no?" He said as he backed into the corner of the bed and wall. "I don't want any"

"I know you do~" Vincent said as he crawled after him, sitting back into Scott's lap.

"Get off of me" Scott grumbled.

"Give me a little sugar and maybe I will"

"I'm never doing that" Scott looked to the side.

"Just a little~?"


"Well I'm not gonna move my damned ass then" Scott tries to move Vincent off, then sighed heavily.

Vincent grins, noticing Scott had given up. "Just a little sugar babe"

Seeing no other way out, Scott sighed then leaned forward, Placing a soft kiss onto Vincent's cheek. The purple mans face turned a slight pink as he smiled and laid next to him. "Mmmm~ I am never washing that cheek again"
Scott, now embarrassed knowing that Vincent would most likely use that agisnt him sooner it later, hugged his knees to his chest. Vincent sits up, and sets his head on Scott's knees with a lovey dovey look on his face.
Scott glares at the other. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing~" Vincent grinned.

"Fuck off Vincent" Scott harshly replied.

Vincent chuckles." Aww~ I'd love to and all but you know, I don't like you being alone on a day meant for love"

"Well that's your problem."

"Your alone too, so we could be alone together!" Vincent said smiling.

"Knowing you, that's never good."

Vincent takes his hat off, setting it to the side as he ruffles his messy hair. "What's that supposed to mean??" He grabs the box of chocolates then turns around and leans his back against Scott's legs, setting his head on Scott's knees. Vincent looked up and held out a chocolate. "At least have one Scotty" he made a rather adorable puppy dog face. "I spent money on you"

Scott laughed slightly. " I guess so.. " he took the sweet from Vincent's hand. "... This doesn't have any alcohol.. Right?"

"Course not babe!" He grins. Though Scott didn't trust him, he knew it would take atleast a few to get him loopy. He popped the sweet treat into his mouth and let it sit there, sliding his tongue around the treat as it melted. He smiled, noticing there hadn't been a trace of anything bitter. Vincent stood up and watched Scott as he enjoyed the treat. "I don't know what the hell it is about you that I like so much.." Vincent said as he set the box next to Scott's lap, leaning forward as he cupped Scott's face. He kisses Scott roughly as he wrapped his arms around his waist. Scott, whom was unsure of what to do found himself sliding his arms around the purple mans neck, pressing his lips softly against Vincent's. Scott realized what he was doing and pushed Vincent away, blushing bright red as he quickly rubbed Vincent's taste from his lips.

"Aw~ baaaaaabe!" He chuckles. "You know you love me"

Scott crossed his arm and looks away from him. "No, I don't."

Vincent chuckles then holds both of Scott's hands, causing the other to look over at him. Vincent pressed his nose against Scott's as he leaned his head agisnt Scott's. Vincent's grin faded and he closed his eyes. " ...I love you" said the purple man.

Scott, some what taken aback stared at him. 'He's always said this but... This one feels.. Diffent..' Thought Scott. " I.." He wasn't sure what to say. Unable to decide what to say, he leaned forward and softly kisses Vincent's lips. Feeling Vincent smile against his lips, he pulled away and stared at one another.

Vincent hugs him. "You love me~" he said gleefully, Scott sighed heavily and pushed the thought from his head.

"It's all in your head Vincent..." Scott smiled, ' I couldn't even think of liking a guy, especially like him..' He mentally sighed. 'Wake up and smell the roses Scott. He isn't levin and neither are these feelings..'

Vincent kisses his cheek. "Happy V day babe.."

".. Yeah, you too Vincent.."

.:; ヽ(;▽;)ノ sorry if you wanted a lemon, it'll come in the next part! ;:.

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