To the bar!

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.:; TIS A LEMON QwQ I'm doing this cause why not and I'm stumped on 'Will You Remember Me' for masky and hoodie just cause there's a moment in which I forgot what someone looked like SO~ I need to go back into the MableHornet entries and find it. QwQ so this is here to entertain you and hopefully in the meantime I'll figure out what entry I'm using for this certain scean. TuT once again I love seeing comments so please don't be shy and leave a little thing below, wether it's just saying hi or bye. Extra little bit: I did indeed draw what's above ;:.

Vincent walks down the side walk, his purple tee shirt ripped slightly at the neck. His hands laid in the pockets of his dark purple jeans as he glanced over at the man beside him. Scott's somewhat messy brown hair and bright blue eyes drove the purple man crazy for him. The few hairs on his chin and the young side burns just adding to the cute factor. He wore a red shirt with Lon black sleeves and dark blue jeans that fit his thin figure well.

(This is my Scott without his mask so shhhh don't complain )

Vincent smiles sweetly as Scott shot a glare at him. "Don't you dare try anything while I'm public.."

"Oh I won't baby trust me," Vincent leans his head next to Scott's and places a small kiss on his cheek, causing the phone to blush red and smack him lightly. Vincent chuckled. "But I didn't do anything!"

"Bullshit vinny! Now stop" responded Scott, walking ahead quickly. Vincent ran after him, grabbing his arm and pulling back.

"Where ya going?" He points to a sign above the building, reading the name of some beer place. Scott didn't care enough to know the exact name. Vincent grinned then pulled the phone inside, instantly to the bar. Sitting down on the old soft seat, Scott turned to the bartender while Vincent leaned against the wooden table. Staring at Scott as he waited for Vincent to make his order. The purple man got the hint then chuckles, turning to the bartender and whistling to get his attention. The young raven haired and green eyed man looks nervously at him, walking over.

"It's good to see you back.." He said, drying the inside of a glass "what can I get for ya?"

"6 shots of whiskey for me, 4 of bourbon for Scotty over there." Said the purple man, pointing his thumb at the phone.

"Right away sir." The boy walks off. Scott had his wallet out, ready to show his ID only to be surprised that the young man completely forgot.

Scott sighed then closed his wallet, pushing it back into his pocket. Vincent grinned over at Scott, leaning over and grabbing his chin. Now pulling their faces close to one another's, Scott blushes red as he covered the purple mans lips with his palm.

"The hell did I say before we got in here Vincent?" The phone rang at the killer. The other pulled away and grinned, looking up and putting a finger to his chin.

He thought back. "Well~ I picked you up at home-"

"You Kidnapped Me." Scott crossed his arms.

Vincent chuckled. "I asked you out and you said yes so I brought you here!"

Scott frowned. "You change up your mind so it's how you want things to go, don't you?"

Vincent grinned then abruptly leaned forward, pressing their noses against one another's as well as a small kiss on Scott's lips. The phones eyes widened as he pulled away and punched the purple man hard on his thigh.

The other hugged his knee to his chest, yelling out pain. "HE HIT ME!!" Vincent points to Scott, whom looked in terror as the surrounding strangers ceased conversations and snapped their gaze to the two. The phone quickly turned around, crossing his arms on the counter and laying his head in the crevice. Vincent looked over, setting his other foot to the ground. His grin faded as one of sadness showed up, he shoos the crowed of staring participants as he places his hand on Scott's shoulder. The killer shook the phone as the bartender returned with a tray of filled shot glasses.

FNAF: VincentxPhone Guy (?)Where stories live. Discover now