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Ps.They are 18/19 in this story


Corbyn  ran through the forest hearing voices following him.

He wasn't sure what time it was or where exactly he was.He ran until he came to a road.

All he saw was a small dinner just off the road he ended up on.He was hungry that much he knew but he didnt have any money.He walked up to the dinner,seeing 4 boys that looked around 18 or 19 years old.One boy stood out to him,he had deep blue eyes and blond hair.

He watched as the boys exsited the dinner.As they walked towards what Corbyn  assumed was one of their cars. One of the boys spotted him just before he got into the car and walked up to him.
"I'll be back" the brunette said to the other three.

He approached the boy with caution.
"Hey,are you alright" he asked the boy.
"I...I'm not sure" he replied
"Why don't we take you home then"
The problem was Corbyn didn't know where that was.
"I d...don't have any where to go" he said softly
"Oh...oh umm...why dont you come with us anyway,I'm sure the boys won't mind...I'm Zach by the way" the boy said.

Daniel's POV

I watched as Zach walked back with a boy who didn't look much older than us.
I wonder who that is.

I looked at Jack and Jonah but they were just as confused as I was.

He looked tired like he had just ran a marathon and hadn't eaten in days.

He is kinda cute though.

Corbyn's POV

We walked towards the three boys I had seen in the dinner with Zach.

"Who are they" he asked looking to where the boys were standing
"Oh...they are my friends,Come on I'll introduce them to you"

"Guys,this is Corbyn." Zach said to his friends
"Hi..."Corbyn said softly.

"Hello Corbyn.I'm Jack,this is Jonah and Daniel" he said pointing to the each boy  as he said their  name .

"Hi...I'm Jonah as Jack said"

Daniel gave him a small wave as he looked towards the boy making eye contact to which he looked away from after a few seconds.

3rd POV

"So Corbyn, Where are you from?" Jonah asked him
"Umm...I don't know actually" he said

They  looked at him confused.

"So do you like...not have anywhere to stay" Jack asked him.

Corbyn shook his head and looked down

It was like a lightbulb went of in Daniel's head  just as Zach was going to speak.

"Why doesn't he come live with us, I mean we have enough room for him."
"I agree with Daniel" Jonah said and Jack and Zach nodded.
Corbyn looked up "I couldn't do that, you barely know me"
"Yes that's true but we can't just leave you here"Zach said

After a little debating Corbyn finally agreed to stay with them (after they said they would give him food of course).

After a little debating Corbyn finally agreed to stay with them (after they said they would give him food of course)

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