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Nobody's POV

Corbyn and Daniel weren't home and the rest of the boys were lounging around watching TV.

Suddenly a knock was heard at the door assuming that it was Corbyn and Daniel, Jonah rushed to open the door completely forgetting the fact the if they did come home they had a key to open the door.

"Hey-" he was cut off when he saw exactly who was at the door.

"Jonah who is it?" Jack called as he and Zach walked towards the door. As they neared the door their faces dropped.

"What are you doing here, Michale?" Jonah said in an angry tone.
Michale chuckled lightly.
"Oh...I just came by to you know see Dani."he replied.
"You don't get to call him 'dani'" Zach spat at him.

"So you wont even let me in?"
"No...as a matter of fact I will do the exact opposite...Get out of our house Michale!"

They were all angry and hoped that Daniel and Corbyn wouldn't come back...atleast until they were able to get rid of Michael.

Michael tried push pass them and walk into the house.Key word tried. Jonah is much stronger then him.

While they were trying to get him out of the house they heard a car pull into the driveway.

When Michale looked towards the car and saw Daniel as well as someone else walk out of it he walked towards the car.

Daniel looked up and saw Michale he quickly walked to Corbyn and hugged him really tight.

"What's wrong baby?" Corbyn asked.
"M-Michael" was all he had to say before Corbyn held him even tighter.

"Danii" Michael said as he walked to the couple.
This only caused Daniel to hold onto Corbyn even tighter.
"I suggest you leave."Corbyn told him voice laced with hatred.
"Oh and why would I do that?"
"Well because Daniel wants nothing to do with you."
"Is that so? And who are you might i ask? Never seen you before."
"Look just leave okay."

"Corbs" Daniel whispered.
" Can we please stop I want to go inside."
"Okay, love"

He looked at Michael and asked him to leave once again but he just replied with "No can do...no until I can take Dani with me" and tried to grab Daniel from Corbyn's grasp but Corbyn was fast and was able to move away from him.

Corbyn told Daniel to go inside with Zach while the boys dealt with Michael.

Daniel's POV

I was scared. I saw him and panicked so I held onto Corbyn. When Corbyn told me to come inside I was relieved but at the same time I just wanted him to hold me.

I didn't notice the tears that trickled down my cheek.

"Hey Dani it'll be okay. Corbs and the boys will get rid of him." Zach said hugging me.

After a while I could hear screaming and the smashing of glass from outside.

I hope they are okay.Corbyn please be okay.

Corbyn's POV

Once Daniel and Zach were inside Jack and Jonah walked to ward us.

"Why are you here?"
"Haven't I answered this question before. I told you I'm here to take Daniel with me."
"Well that's not going to happen so...walk away."
"And why exactly is that not going to happen?"
"Because if you even try to lay a hand on him I will kill you."

I heard him chuckling darkly.

"And why is it that you care so much for him."
"He's my boyfriend that's why"

I could tell he got really angry after this.
Jack had walked of to the side behind the car so that he could call the police.

"Michael just go away none of us want anything to do with you okay why don't you understand that!!" Jonah said...more like yelled.

"Fine...fine..." He turned to walk away but picked up something.

"Watch out" I told Jonah and Jack who had come back.

Michael took a stick and broke the windows on the car. Glass pieces flying everywhere. One had managed to get stuck in my leg and Jonah and Jack's aswell.

We soon heard sirens and Michael tried to run but couldn't. The police had put him into a car and walked over to Jonah to talk to him while I sprinted inside to check on Dani.

I was still hurt but that didn't matter right now all that matters is Daniel.

Michael was finally gone.

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