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Trigger warning: Mention of abuse

3rd POV

They boys woke up well all except Daniel. He was still peacefully asleep on the couch.

Jonah and Corbyn got up after getting ready for the day and made breakfast for the rest of the boys.

"Jo?" Corbyn asked softly
"Uhm..." Jonah replied
"If you don't mind me asking who is Michael?"
"Oh Corbyn...umm...I think that's a conversation that you need to have with Daniel."
"Oh okay then"

Daniel was now awake and eating breakfast with the rest of the boys

~time skip~

Corbyn's POV

It was around 3pm now and we were all just doing our own thing.I wanted to find out about the Michael situation so I decided to ask Daniel about it.

"Hey Dani?"
He replied as I walked into the room and sat on the bed next to him.

"So you know how you all have been stressed about this Michael guy. Umm...w-well i was wondering who exactly he was."

By the look on Daniel face I could tell it was a sensitive topic.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to though."
"No,no its fine"
"Take your time,no rush"

Daniel took a deep breath before he started telling me what happened.

"A...a few years ago I had a boyfriend Michael.H-he was sweet,kind and caring well atleast I thought he was. When I met him he was a nice guy, l-looked out for people and was friendly. Well we started dating after about a year of k-knowing each other. Our relationship was going great until one night when  he had gone out with his friends. H-he came to my house drunk and well (you can guess what he tried to do) when I refused he hit me and kicked me.I let it slide because well I l-loved him and I thought he was only acting like this because he was drunk but that wasn't the case. He continued to treat me like that for the next few months until I had finally had enough and decided to tell Jonah what was happening. When he found out I told Jonah it just got worse so I eventually had to r-report him t-to the police. There was like this whole court case and things and he was put behind bars and was supposed to stay there for atleast 10 more years(I don't know how jail or court cases work) as you c-can see in our c-current situation he's not there anymore." Daniel said  voice cracking here and there.

A few tears trickled down his cheeks and my heart shattered. So I pulled him into a hug.
I felt angry, upset, sad. Angry at that Michael guy for doing that to Daniel. Upset because he had to go through that and sad because Dani was.

"It will be okay Dani I won't let him hurt you okay?"
"What if he comes to find me?"
"Well then he will have to go through me and I'm pretty sure Jonah, Jack and Zach."
"Zach" he said giggling
"Hey...Don't underestimate him. The dude can punch."

And there they sat the rest of the day in each others comfort yeah they we 'in love' you could say but right now they were friends not even aware of the others feelings towards them.


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