Dream unknown

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I do not know how to classify the this dream either as a nightmare or as a really strange dream or both actually.  It actually started in a medical school I wanna ride in places and then it ended up at a Dancehall Jamaican style bar only with male dancers. I don't know what I was thinking when I had this dream I can't even give you a blog because it was so strange I don't know what I ate last night that causes this dream. Or what I did to cause this dream or nightmare or whatever. At least I got my beauty sleep but still it was a really strange dream it's really hard to put my finger on another nightmare psychedelic dream whatever it was. It had no plot at all if I had to criticize a dream or a nightmare because it was just too wild and two fans of war for me to say what it really was. I know there was a lot of room in the walls and there was a Lotta sex. I don't like having a mansion erotic dreams but that's why I have this dream journal de explain that I was being it will I can't really even explain the facts to be honest with you because I was too strange. Do you wasn't illegal or anything I was just very psychedelic and very weird. I don't know what I ate last night maybe it was that all kinds of shit pizza that I had. Literally I had a pizza that was called all altogether pizza. With veggies and meat as well as spicy meat I think that may have caused my dream. Because I did not have any dessert run and I had a really good day so what the hell is causing me to have this dream I wander to myself so I go and wake up when I tell my mom I can't really put my finger on the dream that I had because you're always too strange it to  be a nightmare.  But it didn't have the qualities except for a really painful back that indicated a nightmare I wasn't fearful or scared or shit less of my body wasn't vibrating or anything I was just really perplexed than anything.  This was not a version or anything this was just some kind a really you're screwed up the dream I had I said I wish I could say bye and while the wrestler that I can say I'm just getting some memories back but and snakes there were a lot of snakes in the walls and I was in the town that I originally lived in which was Almada Ontario. It was just really strange strange strange strange dream to see that Russell Arena snake pit. And then the snow is coming out in the restaurant what the fuck was I thinking or eating. I didn't know I had a good nights sleep and I didn't know what the hell to think of this. I'm sorry this dream did not have a story line or a plot but it was just too wild I don't know if I took my meds last night because of it. It was so strange so so strange.

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