The first dream catcher (pastlife flashback)

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I just had a past life flashback. Where I was with the shaman and I was creating the first real dream catcher. I don't know which tribe I was in or anything but I know that I was in North America and I was learning how to create dream catchers for the very first time in civilization. There was smoke wafting around the wrong house and there was a lot Oh smells the long house was empty because it was a ceremony that was the only man for the shaman and his apprentice or her apprentice and I was supposed to specialize in dreams. I was told wireless shower and this was about around 5000 years ago Iroquois that I was to spread goodness and Protect people. Protect people from their nightmares and protect people from my grade either. I know it does Grady will is that I was supposed to kill off in my past life and I was very honoured when I woke up that I did the first dream catcher that orange possibly made.  I think my tribe is mohawk now because of my Roddy hair but because of my that just happened to be where I learned how to make dream catchers in this past life 5000 years ago and learned how to fight off evil demons and evil spirits I was like a shaman apprentice. The shaman said and this is the first I heard of those that I had a fight a great evil that was in that was going to plague the world, in the long run in society.
The shaman said that the greedy evil that I had afraid or is it a Large pond away meaning the ocean and a large masses of land away meaning Europe and then the great evil was in Africa, Middle East and Asia. He said this as I was making the first dream catcher to help fight off the seawall this evil was to create nightmares and horrific flashbacks we had a fire it off at some point and civilizations life.  Hence the great dream catcher that I was making to help ward off this demands side effects which were nightmares and horrific flashbacks. I was perplexed that I was given the sacred dream catcher after I made it thinking I think I should give it to society the long house but instead it was given to me as a way to fight this great evil.
I was shown the twin towers being collapsed my airplanes or a great birds I was on the USS Cole a great chef a great boat and I was Shown  other horrific things that signify this great evil.  I also saw Sean but after I was born I was to fight this great evil right away as a baby and what is chosen to fight this evil with many skills and many help. I was told that I was confronted by this grade are you in the next life and that I was supposed to help the survivors of this great evil live day by day and possibly even fight This exact evil.  When I was a little kid I learned what this Great wars before I learn of the flashback that I just had last night. When I was in Cuba as a young kid the word terrorist popped out of my head so many times I didn't know what the word meant until 9/11 and then I knew that there was these people in Africa Asia and the Middle East they were involved by a great evil caused by a horrible horrible man similar to Hitler. This was the threat that North America was facing 5000 years later after this life that I had in peace in this past life.  My Shawn Mendes version and my version as well came through that these atrocities were happening and I had to help the living victims live day by day and also bring the great evil to its knees.    And let peace reigns supreme again just like 5000 thousand years ago in North America.    These greedy role is actually called Islamic terrorism , jihadism or plain old bullshit and stupity Where is caused by a great evil ugly troll whose legacy still reigns in Africa, Asian and middle.  This ugly that my shaman pointed while making the dream catcher was none other Osama bin Laden.   This was very uncanny and very eerie that my soul was truly chosen to battle this grade are you want to help it's victims survive in reality. Everything was very eerie. I was nearly real too. 

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