Xinjiang, China, Wed: march 10 2021

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Last night I had an out of body experience this isn't a random or a rare occurrence for me to have astral projection or a out of body experiences without eking severe pain or be at deaths door.   The last time I popped out of my body and went travelling with the services of an airport or the aid of the airplane was when I went to Bolivia and aw the place where my last humanoid life died under horrific circumstances before I became a bat another was then born in my own current body. 
This time the Journey was  Xinjiang China, or east Turkestan. I was in the talklamakan  desert where I was seeing all kinds of rock formations and other surreal things like the Kuqa beacon tower and plenty of other weird wonders that I have never seen before I went through to central Asia and to the bed and to see Mount Everest. I went all over China and Central Asia and through the silk road to see what I saw last night and I was not on an airplane I didn't go out the airport or have a passport.  I just nodded off to sleep and I was hearing the sounds of my ancestors the voices of my ancestors and the sides of the Mira ancestry of homeland where the Uighurs are. Then I floated to Tibet and then Afghanistan and the other Stans that are out there.  I also floated over Mount Everest and Nepal.  It was just become when I finished my journey over the Hindu Kush.  I saw a Martian like sunset.  It was becoming night fall as it's become day in Ottawa time. 
Usually astral project is a very pain experience that lucked chest pain intense like that heart attack or dying if not done right.    I did feel jack shit as I have had these experiences since two, but usually when I was younger I stayed in Canada, there are of great not because are place that are noted for danger or conflict or even genocide. If you have read or heard the new my people not the tibetans  but also my other people the Uighurs also facing war and genocide by the Chinese.  
I know know why but I was  guess chosen to see my ancestors before they get whipped out.   Hopeful the un will find out what is going on in is Turkistan with the Uighurs and hopefully save the Uighurs before God knows what else could happen to them. I don't know what triggered this out of body experience or Astral Projection but I know there's is that I was thinking that when you have astral projection you were thinking wholesome thoughts I don't know what wholesome thoughts I was thinking except for my girlfriend I wasn't thinking anything negative and that's one of the causes of a astral projection. 
I guess I was taken out of my body and take to  East Turkestan to help fight for the Uighurs civilly to expose what is going on they have been going through forced sterilization forced contraception and forced labour and other horrors that make Hitler blush. All because  of their fucking DNA and religion yet again why can't we get along.  I believe that there is no colour shape of eyes or religion.   This is only race and enthnic group and religion-  HUMAN!!! and it's time treating each other with the kindnesss and respect that we all deserve.  How time do we have the same effing lession over and over and over aaaagain. 

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