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©All Rights Reserved for 'Adelaide' The storyline and contents inside this story are ALL my own original thoughts and works that came from nothing other than my very own imagination. Please do not copy! Thank you all for reading!

I was only four years old when I lost my parents. I was so young and confused, I had no idea what was going on. Everything happened so fast, it was more like a blur. Growing up, we didn't have much but we were happy.

The day I lost everything was a day I'll never forget, no matter how old I was at the time. I remember it all so vividly, I wish I could have done something about it. It wasn't fair that they were taken from me so early, I wasn't at all prepared for what happened next, I just wished that people could be better, that everyone could just love one another no matter how different we are, but that could never happen. This world is too far gone to hold such high hopes.

"Harmony, we managed to evade being captured and put into the institutes, we made a life here, we are doing so well. We can't just leave." My father said to my mom.

"We have to, please. Something is not right, I can feel it Jay, I know it." She begged but he was having none of it.

"We will be in more danger if we pick up and go away, it will draw too much attention. There has been talk of an island, Vinco. If we get captured, that's where they'll take us. We can't risk it!" He snapped.

She closed her eyes and wept while I stood off to the side not knowing what they were talking about. At the time, I only knew they were scared.

"Jay, she draws too much attention, look at her! If we don't leave, someone will realize we aren't normal." My mom told him.

I froze when they looked at me. Was it my fault they're so upset?

Their eyes softened when they landed on me but the fear was still there. Maybe if I didn't look so different, we would be safe, but they never complained about it before. Am I that distracting, that unbelievable?

"Her beauty isn't the cause behind this Harmony." My dad sighed, pulling my mother into his arms.

"No, it's not, but I hear the way people talk about her when we go out. They think she's an angel, they believe she isn't of this world. I've seen people try and take pictures of her right in front of me! When they react that way, it draws attention and that attention is putting us in danger. Please, we need to go, now."

With a final nod, my father started to pack. They didn't plan on taking much, only essentials but when we opened our front door, there were four men in black with scary weapons already waiting for us.

My father threw me to the side while he and my mother tried to fight them off, but it was pointless. They had no combative skills, they barely ever used their abilities so they never quite mastered them. Their deaths were quick and I was relieved to see they didn't suffer much at all.

After that, I'm not really sure what happened. The men grabbed me and took me downstairs to the bottom floor of our apartment building. All I remember thinking was how much I already missed my parents and how I just wanted things to be different. I wanted the world to change.

The agents must have received a call, more urgent than little ole me. They had me in their grasp, they were ready to take me but then, the weirdest thing happened. They simply let go of my arm and left the building. I didn't understand, I couldn't really focus after what I witnessed. It was as if they were on auto-pilot.

I followed them outside watching as they simply walked away, so calmly as if they didn't just turn my world upside down, as if they didn't just murder two of the most amazing people to ever walk this earth leaving behind their daughter to bear the pain of that loss. They didn't even look back at me, not once. I was confused and heartbroken, I didn't understand.

It was hours later when I started to notice all of the stares and whispers but it was nothing new, I was used to it. Women smiled at me lovingly, children pointed, it seemed everyone was closing in on me. A few people asked me if I needed help but I didn't answer, I didn't know them.

I had nowhere to go, I was suddenly all alone until Xavier showed up.

He walked right up to me, he looked inside my head and he pulled me in for the tightest hug to comfort me, letting me know everything would be okay. He saved me that day and every day since.

This world is evil and I'll never understand it. I don't seek revenge, I don't want to ever become like those men that ruined my life, I simply want peace. I want to one day be happy and normal again. I want to be treated fairly and not seen as anything other than a girl who wants to live her life just like anyone else, but that can never happen.

I'm an aeteri, I'm part of a plan and from the moment my parents died, I realized my life would never be normal ever again.


Here is 'Adelaide'!

I hope you liked the long awaited prologue! This will be the fifth and final book of the Aeterian Series before the new generation takes hold. I really hope you all enjoy reading this and tell me your thoughts:)

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