Chapter 17

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I was frozen, I waited for the bullet to hit me, but it never did. I wasn't even standing anymore, I was sitting, right across from Ryder. I was in shock. How did we get back to the table? She looked completely at ease, as if she didn't just shoot at me.

"After I thought you were dead, I left that life behind Adelaide. I couldn't save my best friend or my goddaughter who I loved most in this world. I've been here in solitude ever since. I don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry."

She already said that. We already had this conversation. I didn't touch her memory at all, I didn't even feel my powers being used, I was too distracted by her gun to do anything about it. Now, we are sitting across from each other so casually, so calmly. I don't understand.

I sat in my chair, completely still, looking around slowly. I looked down at my chest, waiting for the blood to spill out, it never did. My heart was pumping so hard I could hear it.

Ryder shot me! She shot me. . . didn't she?

"Are you alright?" She asked suddenly, pulling her hand back.

This woman before me is not who she appears to be. I glanced quickly at the key hanging up before looking back at her.

My powers, I can manipulate memories, that's it. . . I mean, that's all I know.

There's no way I could see what's going to happen before it does, there's no way. 

I know what I saw, it happened, Ryder shot at me but now we are back at the table reliving our conversation.

I touched her memory, I know where her heart is now. I thought I knew my abilities but it's clear I'm far from knowing anything about them at all. It's like, I was able to see the future, but only through her own mind and it hasn't even happened yet, it happened when her hand was placed on mine.

Time manipulation through someone's own memory. I can do both? 

I tried not to panic, not to think too hard about it, but why wouldn't I? This is crazy, being able to manipulate someone's memories is one thing, but also being able to see the future through their memories is dangerous. I can change someone's memories at will, but I wasn't able to control seeing into the future, I'm not even sure how far I can see if I really wanted to. 

Now is not the time to worry about that though.

I never thought it possible, but here I am, alive and perfectly fine. I don't understand what just happened or why it happened, but it did. I didn't get shot, but if I don't answer her and use the proper wording this time, I will be.

"That's fine," I say quietly. I put on a sweet smile, reaching out for her hand again, she took it trustingly.

My smile dropped, I need to be careful, I have to do this right.

"Forget everything about Darcel, you don't know him. Forget about everything other than the purpose of this visit. Remember why I came, I need information about the missing aeteri and wolves. Clear your mind and only recall things pertaining to my questions. What aren't you telling me?"

Her eyes widened in horror but it was too late, my ability has already taken effect in her mind.

"Years ago, talk surfaced about an off-world coming to earth to cause problems but no one knew why. A few friends of mine heard the news that this off-world was coming to earth searching for the daughter of the star keeper, but there is a team who will fight this enemy."

"Okay, what about them?" I asked.

She folded her hands in front of her, leaning in closer, "Why send an entire team to fight someone when that same team can be used to help us find this child?"

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