Chapter 9

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Thessalia led us into a hut I'll assume belongs to her. It was set up quite nicely very similar to our own homes. Small dining area, a place to cook, a large bed and personal items scattered throughout.

On our way here, many people greeted us ruefully, offering strange items and endless smiles. It seems a lot of people know who I am but once again I greeted with a secret I'm unaware of. Why on earth do these people think I'm so special?

They know Xenna, Xenna knows my father and the rest of my teams parents as well. They have to know something about this. When we were younger they were urgent in trying to start this team and now that I think about it, it wasn't long after we all met that our training started which I now see is suspicious.

There is something off about it all, I'm sure it has something to do with Itri. Nysa knows the most about him, she is connected to him along with her mother. She sees him in her dreams where he taunts her endlessly, but he doesn't know she's part of the team that was banded to bring him down. She's the reason he's even coming here. He wants her badly, he wants to use her for his own agenda. If anything, she should be the special one here. Her powers are endless and her heart is pure, she's the most special out of us all and yet, everyone's attention was always aimed towards me. I see that now.

The only question is, why?

I don't have abilities, I'm not special, I'm the weakest link out of all the aeteri so for me to be this sudden beacon of hope is concerning. Jeardra, Thessalia, and her people look at me like I'm this amazing person that will do something great and I'm only going to end up being a disappointment to them, to everyone.

"Adelaide," Darcel whispers in my ear so softly I barely hear him. I looked up at him but was taken back by the concerned look on his face, "What's wrong?"

I faked a smile, "Nothing."

He frowned, not believing me. I don't want to get into it with him, not here and now.

"Please take a seat," Thessalia sat at her table and we followed suit waiting for her to immediately get into what she knows, but she didn't. "Would you like any food or drink?"

She was genuine with her offers but Darcel and I politely declined.

"Very well," She dismissively waved her hand. "I know you want to be on your way, so I'll help you the best I can."

"Thank you," Darcel says.

Thessalia prepared some tea and poured herself a mug before getting into it. Her expression was sullen while she moved as if it pained her to talk about what's been going on. It is sad, that much we all can silently agree on.

"When aeteri started to go missing, it was very alarming, to say the least. Only a few at a time and didn't happen often at all. I mean, the aeteri of all creatures. They are the only supernaturals whose abilities are so recklessly random, not only that, but they are strong and powerful we couldn't believe they were being taken so easily. The Spadix filled us in on things they see during the night and told us that it was hard to tell if whoever is behind the abductions are human or not but I'll assume not since they used no weapons to try and take these people."

"So we can rule out RA's?" I asked.

"Yes, it isn't them. There aren't many of them left anyway. We were later told the captors would simply touch their victims and they would fall to the ground. From there, they would take them. I don't know of a species with that kind of ability, but from what I was told, the rogues and aeteri weren't harmed, simply taken. I don't know where they went or what they're being used for. What I just told you is all I know." She ends her words there while Darcel and I are no closer to figuring out what to do next.

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