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The rest of the summer was filled with so much training and practice on my end. I got so much better at controlling the power inside of me. There have been a few times when things would happen only for me to realize they never did. I'll admit, those moments were horrifying.

I hated being pulled back to reality, having experienced days or weeks within my own mind only to realize they never happened. It only occurred when I was touching someone else, either in training or with Darcel who was by my side every step of the way.

We cut this summer short so everyone can go home to spend time with their families for the next few weeks before Itri arrives. It wasn't a sad goodbye since we will all be reunited shortly.

When Darcel and I exited the plane, I can tell he was nervous to meet my father, again.

Xavier is going to realize who he is and what he's done, he will know everything but I will make the decision to take those memories from him. The truth is too dangerous for him to have, so I won't let him.

Darcel has made several trips to Terra Pax, earning their trust and getting them on our side in the event we need their help. He didn't reveal everything, but most supernaturals already know of the team that will fight Itri.

I'll never forget when Darcel and I went back to the Peris' to also ask Thessalia for aid. He pulled her into him so abruptly, hugging his friend tightly after seeing her for the first time since he saw her death in his memories.

She asked why he was so distraught, but once again, he was limited on what to tell her and she understood completely. Everything seemed to fall into place easily, but it's only easy right now because we know how hard it will become.

As a couple, Darcel and I are far from perfect. There are occasional arguments and disputes, one of us sometimes says the wrong thing which arises conflict but in the end, we love each other so much that we can get through anything life throws our way.

When we entered my home, my Dad immediately embraced me, missing me from the long summer we spent away from each other.

"How's the hunt going for the missing wolves and aeteri?" I asked.

He sighed, "Not well, they practically vanished. Soon, we will have to stop to focus on more pressing matters."

I felt bad keeping the truth from him, but he can't find out. Tonight, I will erase his memories of the girls altogether as well as Darcel's past.

"This must be the mate," He muttered distastefully.

"I'm Darcel," He held his hand out which my father took without suspicion.

He grimaced at my mate and I already knew that he figured it out. He won't tell me around Darcel but it won't matter soon enough.

My father has always been someone who I've always wanted to figure out. He didn't date, he knows so much about the world but he never shares his thoughts with anyone else which I realize could be quite lonely.

All his life he fought, in the institute and even after. For so long he fought for freedom but this time, he doesn't get to be a part of the last battle and I'm sure that gets to him. He is sending his daughter away to do it instead, it hurts him and I can tell.

It took so long to get here and still we don't have a lot of time left. Everything is happening so fast, too fast.

I spent the whole day with my dad, we talked, we joked, we laughed and I saw a side of him that must have been what the old Xavier must have been like. Before me, before the team, before everything. 

I was quiet when I entered his room, touching his face lightly, doing exactly what I said I'd do. In the morning he won't know about Darcel's past or anything else he may have picked up from our minds, he'll only remember that I came home, I have a mate and in a few weeks' time, I'll leave.

While I had access to his memories, I went deeper, wanting to see at least a small speck of who he once was, and smiled at what I saw.

I saw when he met Rowan for the first time, I watched them train happily together even inside such a terrible place. I saw bits and pieces of the people he met in his lifetime, his adventures with them, the times they shared. I saw us, together, watching old movies and attempting to cook together in the kitchen which never really ended well.

A single tear ran down my face and I bent down, kissing his forehead softly before taking my leave.

"It had to be done," Darcel whispered when I crawled into bed next to him.

"I know. I just feel bad."

"Don't, you're protecting him and everyone else. It had to be done." He tells me firmly, pulling my face into his, connecting our lips.

"I hope that this was all worth it, keeping the truth to ourselves," I mentioned, laying my head on his chest.

"It will be worth it, you'll see that when we win."

After this summer, my life will never be normal again. It never really was, to begin with, but whatever is coming, I'm prepared to do what's necessary to ensure our success.

The things I see, the memories I can change, and the way I can alter our reality will play a crucial part in this fight, I just hope I can do it.

Darcel will be right there with me, loving me endlessly, reminding me constantly that I am more than what I am, what he claims me to be. . .

A hero.


Here's the Epilogue!

I hope you all enjoyed 'Adelaide' including the small twists I added!

Keep reading for the Bonus Chapter!

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