Chapter 14

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Darcel and I stood in wait for short while, neither of us speaking. With every breath he took, I felt a rumble emit from his chest. He seems mad, probably that he's here waiting for the woman who never really cared for him.

I feel for him at this moment. I would hate to come face to face with someone who never loved me or wanted me around, it's sad. I know Darcel doesn't like her, he has every right to not want to be around her.

The grip he has on my hand tells me as much. I struggle to pull away from his tight hold, he let go eventually, sending me an apologetic look.

"Sorry." He stared at my hand worriedly.

"It's alright, don't be nervous. Everything will be fine." I linked our arms instead.

His grateful smile was filled with hope, then that smile dropped when a head popped out of the water followed by a slender body that was adorned by a thin pale blue material that mimicked a dress. It was an odd material, shiny almost like it was made of seaweed, it was just the color that made me think otherwise.

"Darcel," She greeted with a nod, looking her son up and down scrutinizingly. She hasn't seen him in years, yet she has the nerve to stand there with judgment in her stare, it was appalling. "And a new friend I see." She grimaced, giving me a once-over.

I know better. When everyone sees me for the first time, their looks are never short and this woman was no different. Her eyes lingered on my frame, taking in my face, my body, and finally, my golden irises. She looked surprised, impressed almost.

We locked eyes, I refused to look away first. My judgment was much greater than hers and after a minute of eye contact, she looked away from me going back to her son.

"Not a friend mother, my mate." He stated proudly gauging her reaction.

His mother was genuinely shocked, she looked between him and me, then the hold I had on his arm. She was at a loss for words, she didn't look happy. Her mate didn't want her and she didn't want him, but even she can tell the care and adoration Darcel has for me, it annoys her to no end, it's clear as day.

I can't deny the fact that she is very beautiful, Darcel looks a lot like her. Their features are similar, as are their eyes, though his hair is dirty blonde and hers is a dark brown, that's the only noticeable difference.

"A beautiful girl, golden eyes, but not quite human it seems." She concluded suspiciously.

"You're correct," I tell her. "I'm an aeteri, my name is Adelaide."

At the mention of my name, there was no recognition, no knowledge of who I am whatsoever. That both surprised me, yet made me very untrusting of this woman.

It seems Xenna told quite a few people about me. Thessalia mentioned she only told those she trusts, and clearly, Xenna either doesn't trust the Atlantides or they intentionally kept Darcel's mother from knowing.

Darcel seemed to notice too. He pulled me closer, clenching his jaw tightly.

"An aeteri," She mocked, looking back at Darcel, "Quite ironic Darcel is it not?"


"Watch it." He growled at her.

She only laughed, not at all threatened by her son, "Your father and I had secrets too, part of the reason we never worked. Its obvious history will repeat itself," Her eyes landed on mine again and she grinned darkly, "Don't get too comfortable Adelaide, once you know of his past, I promise, you will want absolutely nothing to do with him, but don't worry, once your relationship is over I'm sure we'll get on quite nicely."

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