Chapter Five

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A few days later...

I sat in the shade under a tree reading my book feeling quite content. "Hey, there you are" I looked up seeing Stiles and Scott walking towards me. "Hi" I still hadn't fully adjusted to having friends yet. We chatted away, well they chatted I laughed my way through the lunch break. Stiles was too funny. We shortly made our way inside as lunch was drawing to a close. We headed to Scott's locker. "So remember 315out front then we'll head to Derek's". My ears perked up instantly. "Who's Derek?" Can it be the same Derek? "Oh sorry Eleyna, er it's a guy thing" Scott answered looking apologetic. He has those sweet puppy dog eyes, no wonder Allison likes him so much. The bell rung and I made my way to our next class.  I couldn't get Derek out of my mind. He owes me answers. As soon as the bell rang at the end of the day I followed Scott, making sure to keep my distance. Luckily we were in the same last class together so I didn't have much chasing to do. He checked his phone sniggering before heading off. I wonder where Stiles has ended up. Detention probably. I followed him for a short while along the streets of Beacon Hill's until he turned off at the start of the woods. I was relieved he hadn't seen me. As I crept through the forest I started to feel un-easy about this. I stopped and hid behind some bushes as an old burnt house appeared at the top of the hill. Scott shouted out and I crept up from behind the bushes watching eagerly. The fron door opened and it was him, The same Derek. I gulped, Oh My God. White tshirt, the leather jacket. I'm getting distracted again. Him and Scott talked for a short while before Scott headed off. I ducked down making sure he wouldn't see me as he walked by. I kept my eyes on him until he was out of sight. I slowly turned back round. "Oh NY- Shit!" I shouted scared first, then just clumsy as I fell backwards as Derek was towering over me. "Need a hand Nancy Drew?" His sarcastic tone annoyed me. "No, I'm fine" I said jumping to my feet and fixing myself. "What are you doing here? This is private property". His sarcasm faded out leaving a blunt tone about him. "You didn't answer any of my questions the other night". I felt brave for once. "I told you to forget about me" "But-" "Eleyna!" He raised his voice causing me to step back. "I'll walk you home and you'll never come here again. You'll forget you ever met me". I sighed looking past him and to the house. "Who's house is this?" "Mine" "You live here? It's a shell by the looks of it. What happened? Do you live here alone?" I couldn't take my eyes off the building. I could hear myself rambling on. Not cool. "What is this? 50 questions? Come on" He grabbed me by the elbow pulling me in his direction down the hill. I looked back at the house one last time, not before I tripped over my feet. I felt his hands on me catch me and steady me. He sighed and walked ahead shaking his head. I eventually had to nearly start jogging to keep up with his pace as the leaves crunched underfoot. "Are you going to tell me anything?" I pleaded one last time. He stopped suddenly and turned to me. "Why do you care?" He sounded so harsh, so cold. "I..I don't know" and that was the truth, but I couldn't help but feel drawn to him. His hardened extior slowly began to soften. "There was a fire. The house is lucky to have survuved. Not much else did". He looked broken, sadness and pain consumed his eyes. He looked away for a moment before his eyes met mine again. All signs of emotion removed from his face. "Let's go". We walked in silence until we reached my house. His pace slowed down and I stepped in front of him. Turning round, "Thank-" Gone. I sighed and walked inside. "I'm home".

We all sat at the kitchen table eating dinner. "Sweetie whats wrong? You've hardly touched your dinner". Dad said watching me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing, I'm just not hungry" I pushed my fod around the plate with my fork. Sammi just laughed. "That's a first". I rolled my eyes and looked to Mum. "Can I go upstairs?" She nodded as I got up and cleared my plate. I flopped down on my bed grabbing my laptop and opening it up. I googled *Beacon Hils. Fire. Derek*  "Knock knock" I glanced up to see Sammi coming in. "What's up with you?" I didn't answer as she came in and lay beside me. I looked back to the screen and clicked on the first link. Beacon Hill's Express. "What's this?" "Jst something I heard around". I glanced to her and back to the screen. "Hale fire. House burns killing family. Sounds cheery" She said reading the headline out loud.

     "Eleven members of family die whilst children, Laura Hale aged 18 and Derek Hale aged 16     attended college/school. Only surviving relative from trapped inside fire - Peter Hale who now resides at Beacon Hill's Memorial due to severe burn damage has still not awakened from his coma"

No wonder he is the way he is when I read that. I closed the screen not wanting to read on. "Are you- are you sure your okay after what happened at the store?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine". I'll admit I'm confused more that concerned. But I didn't tell Sammi that.

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