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"San! Santana, hold on a second!"

"Hm?" With a soft vocalisation that probably went unheard, Santana turned to face the woman who was all but shouting as she speed walked down the hall, heels obnoxiously clacking against the marbled floors. She had a bright and cheerful demeanour, an innocent smile, and a mischievous, scheming spark in her pale eyes that became apparent as she pulled to a halt in front of Santana.

"Babe, wha-" she managed before Brittany cupped her cheeks in both hands, bounced up in pure joy, and planted a solid kiss on her lips. Despite years of "every day", Santana still lost herself easily in the contact, setting her hand on Brittany's waist and pulled her in closer, lips parting to deepen the kiss. She still didn't understand the meaning of a casual greeting kiss, apparently.

Brittany pulled back, that grin firmly back in place, albeit now with glistening and kiss-reddened lips. "Santana, lemme show you something!" And then she reached out and shamelessly tugged at Santana's tie, caught her hand, and tugged her back down the hall.

It was a good thing there wasn't anyone else in the hall, or there would have been a death in the building that day, cause of death: suffocated by PDA.

Wordlessly, as was her wont, Santana followed the short distance Brittany led her through. She was then pressed down into a chair, Brittany's hands guiding her down and gliding over her chest and legs quite a bit more than would be considered strictly necessary.

"Close your eyes and don't move until I tell you to!" A longing kiss to her forehead, a breathy sigh following, then suddenly the hands were gone and Brittany's presence was a distance away. Santana heard another chair being pulled out, and immediately, a worrying thought struck her. Had Brittany cooked for them? And if so, what? Aside from the blondes perfume, the heavy odour of food wasn't present, though...

And then there were hands on her legs, urging them apart with playful caresses on her inner thighs. Her shirt was rucked up, and fingers played at the waistband and fastenings of her trousers. Despite the relative lack of stimulation, she could already feel herself reacting, though she knew her expression remained as placid as ever. She just couldn't stop herself from envisioning Brittany's slender fingers flitting over her lap, a decidedly hungry glint in those bright eyes.

"Yes yes, you can look now," Brittany announced as she undid the fastenings of Santana's 's trousers apart and pulled her through the gap.

Santana blinked away the brightness of the room then looked down, where the white tablecloth had been artfully draped around her lap to mask everything that was going on between her legs. Then she looked up, and noticed exactly where they were.

Hint: people ate here. Lots of people ate here, and it was an extremely public place. Oh fuck...

"Brittany!" She gasped her name like an admonishment.

"Yes!" came the absolutely shameless response.

"We cannot--!"

"Hm?" Brittany responded, her tone implying that "we very much can"; the monosyllable was not because she was emulating Santana's way of speaking, but rather because she had Santana's cock in her mouth.

Above her, Santana's fists clenched. She normally wasn't very vocal during sex, but normally, she also had a bit more leeway. Here, she had to remain perfectly stoic in case anyone happened to walk in.

Brittany held her hips down with one hand and circled the other around her shaft, quickly pumping her to full hardness as she sucked at the head. She didn't have any problem taking Santana fully, but she'd decided it was best to keep any, ah, inelegant sounds to a minimum.

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