childish curiosity

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(Lucifer: Santana, Lilith: Brittany, their daughter Harley Quinn and Bud & Lou: pet hyenas)

Whether the act is conscious or not, it is a simple fact that children learn much of their speech, language and social skills from watching their parents. Harley enjoyed watching her parents interact, especially those times neither of them knew of their daughter's presence.

Unless her parent's bedroom doors are closed and locked, then she knew better than to try to interrupt them.

She had always been curious to know if perhaps they were playing tickle games Santana usually did with her only daughter often - how she'd scoop up Harley to tickle her tummy or press kisses beneath her chin. She always wondered why her two mothers locked themselves away to play the game. When she couldn't find them and had come upon their closed doors and hear them making those funny noises, she would go back to playing with Bud and Lou in the garden, after all, should she call out in an emergency, they would come to her. Maybe it was a grown-up kind of tickle game?

But ever so often Harley would come across her parents lost in their own world, without either of them knowing she'd be watching; whether it was watching her mother and mama indulging in a glass of wine by the fire-place, or in deep conversation - mostly about things Harley herself couldn't understand, but in her childish innocence it hadn't mattered.

Her mother, Brittany, had always been mostly calm and collected, intelligent and graceful, while her mama, while no less intelligent, had always been more lively, goofy and cheerful, (at five years old, much of her mama's darker sense of humour passed over her pure mind) and was only stern with her daughter when needed - or when Brittany made her.

The Lopez's were inherently a musical family.

So here she was, silently eyeing her parents in the drawing-room. Santana was sat behind a magnificent ink-black piano, beautifully pressing keys into a soft, familiar melody, while Brittany sat on top of the piano lid - Harley thought how unfair it was; she was often scolded for climbing onto the table or kitchen counter.

Gazing at each other beneath the warm lights of the burning fireplace, both adults remained unaware of their five-year-old spying on them from the door, which had been pushed ajar.

Brittany, crossing a leg over the opposite knee, humming softly to the tune of the piano as she started to sing, leaning back on her hands.

"Love me tender, love me sweet. Never let me go." Resting more of her weight on the hand resting nearest her wife, she leaned closer.

Santana, with her usual toothy grin in place, responded, "you have made my life complete, and I love you so." Her shoulders rise and fall, her head tilted to one side.

Harley watched as her blonde mothers crimson painted lips spread into a gentle smile.

"Love me tender, love me true," the couples' voices unified effortlessly "...all my dreams fulfill"

Brittany's smiled widened, losing herself in the tune, her partner continued playing, "For my darling, I love you, and I always will."

Santana got to her feet suddenly, offering Brittany her hand, "will you dance with me, my heart?"

The child's eyes widen curiously as her parents cast an enchantment on the piano, twirling around the room in a blur of black and silver, the piano kept playing its song.

"Love me tender, love me long," Santana spun her wife, smiling while she glided away until they were arms-length apart, "take me to your heart."

"For it's there that I belong," Santana, as though unable to bear such distance between them, pulled Brittany back to press against her chest, the blondest arms draped over her shoulders, hands threading through midnight curls. "And we'll never part."

Bodies pressed as closely as possible,both women glided in a slow spiral.


The couple, who had been only focused on one another, broke apart to glance at the noise in alarm. In the doorway, Harley lay on her stomach, having leant on the door too far for it to bear her weight, with Bud and Lou lying on top and beside her respectively, all three looking up with sheepish grins.

"Harleen Lopez!" Santana and Brittany chorused in unison, eyeing their mischievous daughter and her equally guilty companions.

Baby Harley 👉🏼👈🏼 she learned much later in life what her parents were actually doing... With best girl, Poison Ivy.. 🧎🏼‍♀️

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