Chapter Eight

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Trevor woke from a deep sleep with the image of Samuel walking away the way he did the previous day. He stood from his bed, and got dressed, but hesitated when he went to go downstairs. He glanced over his shoulder at his backpack, and approached it instead. I think our next subject is...He sighed. Social Studies. He picked up his phone, and pulled up Samuel's number. He gave this to me for this very reason, he thought.

Samuel stopped at the corner before he would turn to go to his house. "I'm going to do something that I might regret," he said.

Trevor cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Samuel held his hand out. "Give me your phone. I'll give you my number, but you have to listen to me when I say; only use it for sessions. If you have any questions or concerns, text me and we'll figure something out."

Trevor handed over his phone and Samuel entered in his phone number. When he got his phone back, Samuel jabbed his finger to Trevor's chest. "Remember what I told you. If you use it for anything else, I will take my number away from that phone. Do I make myself clear?"

Trevor nodded, and Samuel walked away without another word.

Trevor typed a message into his phone, making sure to mention his name so Samuel.

Hey, Sam! It's Trevor. I want to know if we could get a further jump on playing catch-up? I believe our next subject is..Social Studies?

He sent it off, and went downstairs while he waited for a reply. As he got some breakfast, he took repeated glances at his phone. When he was done washing out his dish, his phone buzzed, and he looked at the message.

My Discord user-name is Samuel C. #6600. Give me a few minutes to get dressed and eat, and we'll start a video call.

Trevor put his dishes in the dishwasher, and went upstairs without a word to his parents. He gathered all of his unfinished Social Studies assignments on his desk, making the pile half of what it would have been had the two of them gathered in the school.

He waited patiently at his desk for the call to start on his laptop after sending Sam a friend request on Discord. Every time he blinked, the image of Samuel popped into his head, his gorgeous green eyes boring into his skin. He bit his bottom lip, remembering the moment when he'd hugged Samuel not too long ago; the feeling of Sam's soft hair through his fingers, the feeling of his small body pressed against his own, and the feeling of his hands grabbing at his back. He smiled to himself, but it went upside down at the thought of Joseph and his father. What am I going to do if they find out? he thought.

His thoughts were interrupted by the beeping on his laptop. He answered the call to be greeted with a more casual Samuel, dressed in a plain white tee, cleaning his glasses with a nearby cleaning cloth before putting them back on his face. "Hello, Trevor. You're right about it being Social Studies this time. How many assignments are unfinished?" he said.

Trevor held up his little pile of assignments, and Samuel nodded. "I see. Let's get started, then."

"Hold on. I have a joke for you first."

Samuel sighed. "What is it?"

"Why don't calculus majors throw house parties?"

Samuel groaned, but decided to humor Trevor's little game. "Why don't they throw house parties?" he asked.

Trevor gave a sly grin. "Because you should never drink and derive."

Samuel tried his best, but he couldn't resist rewarding Trevor's efforts with a small chuckle. Trevor's own grin turned into a wide smile. I made him laugh! he thought.

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