do i want this anymore?

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happy monday! thanks for 1.8k reads!


i wanted to

hold your hands

during the summer

watch the rays of the sun

grace your beautiful


lighting up

coffee curls

and caramel skin

deep brown eyes

that would glow a thousand


of gold

in the right light

i wanted to spin you around

in the fall

as red-orange leaves

fluttered down

around us

like prayers dropped down

from heaven

i wanted to curl up with you

in the wintertime

under piles of blankets

with a fire crackling

in the corner

and a netflix show

that neither of us


wanted to watch

on in the background

as we partook in


and kissing

i wanted to skip with you

hand in hand

in the spring

through fields of

white flowers

lilies and daffodils

through the april rains

i wanted to dance with you

through the seasons

i wanted to hold you close

as sunshine bled into

autumn winds

and those into

winter ice

i wanted to fall asleep


to the sound of your


i didn't get that, and i never will

and now

i'm not so sure

that i

want that


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