The Cheating prank pt2(A.G)

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A/n: someone wanted revenge so yea here it is

Contains: cussing and smut

You decided to get revenge on your boyfriend Aidan you called your boy bestie who is gay we'll name him ........ Jesse you told him the plan the plan was for him to burn your neck with a curling iron to seem like a hickey because you know it will make it seem more real

Your POV

Me: babe I'm going to my friends house ok

Aidan: ok love you
He kisses you

Me: love you to
I make it to Jesse's house So I knock on the door

Me: Ok so you know the plan right?

Jesse: yea

Me: ok
So yea jesse burns your neck with the curling iron

Me: ugh fuck that burns

Jesse: I know just wait some time and it will stop burning

Me: ok I'll stay here a little to act like I was hanging with another guy

Jesses: ok
30 minutes later I decide to go back home I get home Hugo inside

Aidan: babe you know that fake hickey isn't gonna work because I did that yesterday haha

Me:what do you mean hickey?

Aidan: here I'll wipe of the makeup
He tries to wipe it off

Aidan: babe?

Me: yea?

Aidan: w-who gave you this hickey

Me: no one there is no hickey

Aidan: yes there Fucking is who the fuck gave it to you


Aidan: y/n please answer me
He starts tearing up

Aidan: a-a-are you cheating on me?

Me: Baby no it's just a prank don't cry

Aidan: how is this a prank there is a fucking hickey on your neck

Me: ok look I went to jesses house and we made a plan to get you back for Ora king me yesterday so when I went over we burnt my neck with a curling iron and yea so please don't cry baby
Aidan wipes his tears

Aidan: oh you're getting punished for that

Me: oh no I'm sorry
You run to the room and lock the door and hide In The closet Aidan knocks on the door

Aidan: open the door princess you can't run from your punishment
You don't answer

Aidan: fine have it your way I'm going to look for the key to the room and then I'll give you your punishment
I while later you hear the room door open

Aidan: babe come out from hiding or it's only gonna make the punishment worse


Aidan: you have until the count of 3 baby girl 1.......2.......
Then you come out of the closet and you look in his eyes and they were dark and full of lust

Aidan: ah there you are now be a good girl and get on the bed
You nod and lay on the bed

Aidan: good girl now turn around
You turn to where your ass is facing him
He takes your pants off

Aidan: now count with me

*slap* o-one *slap* t-two
*10 slaps later*

Aidan has his clothes off

Aidan: on all four now

You do as he says and he fucks you from your ass
(I can't with myself my poor virgin eyes has to deal with my dirty minded brain all the time).

30 minutes later you both cum and

Aidan: on your knees
You try to get up but end up falling

Aidan: nvm just lay down with you head off the bed
You do so and be face fucks you you feel his dick twitch in your mouth and he cums in you mouth

Aidan: swallow it

You swallow it

Aidan: good girl
You both cuddle and fall asleep and y/n couldn't walk for 3 weeks


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