The annoying new girl [N.H]

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"Have you guys heard? There's a new girl in school." You say

"Yeah we should introduce ourselves." Dawn says

"Sure." Dicky says but sees a girl "actually maybe later" he walks over to the girl

"Sorry guys gotta get to class." Ricky says

"But class doesn't start for another 20 minutes." You tell him

"How do you h to ink I'm always the first to class." He says and walks away

"Hmm makes sense for Ricky." Dawn says And Nicky walks up to both of you

"Hey luv." Nicky says kissing your cheek

"Hey. Ooh wanna meet the new girl with us?" You ask him

"Yeah sure."

"Look there she is." Dawn says leading you two to her.

~New Girls POV~

"Eww why are two ugly girls walking towards me and why is that hot guy with them" she thinks disgusted
[bitch dawn is prettier than you and so is the reader so shut up before I put you in to place like my mom says put things where you found them I found you in the dumb bitch.]

~Your POV~

"I kinda have a bad feeling about this."

~No ones POV~

"Hey I'm dawn."

"Im y/n."

"And I'm Nicky."

"Ugh get out of my way." The new girl pushes you and dawn out the way and goes in front of Nicky

"Hey I'm Sarah." She says all flirty and touching on Nicky
[bitch don't you dare touch Nicky that's the readers man]

"Who do you think you are!" You say mad and she gets in front of you

"I'm m just the girl who's gonna be more popular than you and the new girlfriend of that cutie." Sarah says and you laugh

"Bless your soul! You really thin your in control?" You say

"Yeah so.." she says sassily

"Babe I think you need to stop." Nicky says holding your hand but you let his hand go

"Well I think your crazzzyyy. Now stay away from my boyfriend and i don't think the makeup you use is working very well cause nothing can fix the mistake your parents made." You say and walk away like the bad bitch you are leaving Nicky and dawn shocked and the girl crying
[bitch you just got knocked to where you belong. Bahahaha]

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