Jealousy (N.H)

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Y/n's POV:

I was walking into get sporty when I see, Nicky and his girlfriend sucking each others faces which had my blood boiling. Why should I be jealous he has a girlfriend. "ugh feelings are so stupid sometimes." I mutter to myself and start walking out the door and just then I feel a light tap on my shoulder, so I turn around to see a boy with long brown hair and brown eyes, the person is Dicky Harper brother of Nicky Harper, Im not gonna lie he is attractive but I'd be lying if I said he was more attractive than Nicky "hey are you listening?" Shit! I didn't even know I was staring "oh, yeah, sorry." "It's fine, I was just asking if, maybe, you wanted to grab some lunch tomorrow?" Dicky asked scratching the back of his neck. You know what maybe this is a sign to get rid of my feelings for Nicky and move on. "Yeah, I'd like that." I said smiling. "Great. So what's your address so I can pick you up tomorrow?" You give him your address as he's trying to show off making you laugh. "Here give me your phone real quick." "Wanna see if I'm texting other girls?" Dicky joked but I'm not like that but I just joke around to. "Maybe." I smiled. "I'm just gonna put my number in your phone." I laughed as I put my number in his phone. "Well I gotta go home" "alright see you tomorrow beautiful." Dicky says as I blush a bit. "See you tomorrow." I said turning and waving bye to Dicky as I walk out of the shop and all the way home but as when I get home I see Nicky's girlfriend on the couch with...................




To be continued.........


Just kidding........

MY TWIN BROTHER?! "B/n(brothers name) I'm home." I say. "Shit." Nicky's girlfriend said. "Hmm caught you I knew you weren't good for Nicky." I say and then look at my brother. "And you. You knew she was dating Nicky you're his best friend and you're cheating on your girlfriend!" "Don't get your pantie in a twist y/n." My brother says and I slap him across the face. "You've turned out just like dad! He did the same thing. Mom would be disappointed in you if she found out." You said. "Well she's not gonna because she's always on business trips." "I knew you were a hoe." I say looking at Nicky's girlfriend. "Don't talk to her like that!" Your brother defends her as she start fake crying. "Don't be such a crybaby and you don't have to worry about me hearing you both making baby's I'll just grab some clothes and sleep over at a house of a person I know" I say as I walk to my room grabbing some clothes and put them in a backpack and walk out of my room walking out of the house remembering the address Dicky gave me I walk to that address.

~when I get there~

Nicky's POV:

I was making out with my girlfriend when she gets a call I look a little to see a call from 'mine❤️' what the hell! Who the hell is that?! You know what I'm just gonna play it off cool. "Who's calling you?" I ask. "Oh it's my best friend." She replied and answered the call. "Hey......oh...... I'll be there soon bye..... I love you too." She ends the call. "I have to go babe" she says kissing my cheek and walking away and that's when I see y/n laughing but why was she laughing? Well because of my brother. Dicky, you see I've always had a crush on y/n but I know she likes Dicky so I decided to step back and move on but there was a pain in my chest seeing him make her happy. "Maybe." I heard her say as she smiled. "I'm just gonna put my number in your phone." She laughed as she put her number in his phone "Well I gotta go home" "alright see you tomorrow beautiful." Dicky says and I see a tiny of blush on her cheeks. "See you tomorrow." She replied and my chest hurt even more. Why do I feel like this I thought I lost feeling for her. What is wrong with me. It doesn't matter now. I walk home and once I get there I open the door closing it behind me as I walk I walk over to the couch and sit down.

Y/n's POV:

"Well in here." I say to myself and sigh knocking on the door. And I hear someone walking over "I got it!" They yell and open the door. "Oh, y/n. What are you doing here?" Nicky asked. "Is Dicky here?" I asked.

Nicky's POV:

"Is Dicky here?" She asked. Ugh it's always Dicky. "Uh, yeah. Come in I'll go get him." I say letting her in. "Thank you." She says walking in. "You can take a seat in the couch." I say and she walks over to the couch sitting down as I walk upstairs to the room. "Dicky." "Yeah?" "Someone's here for you." "Who is it?" "Y/n.." I mumble. "Oh, okay tell her I'll be down soon." He says as I hum in response and walk downstairs and see y/n looking a bit pissed. "Hey you good?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm just fine." She says but I can tell she's lying. "You can tell me nothing." I say "I can't tell you this one because it will only hurt you." She says. What is she talking about? "What do you mean?" I asked. "Im sorry, Nicky. I can't tell you." "Please just tell me." "Fine. Your girlfriend is cheating on you with my brother." As she said that my heart sank and then the door opened. "Babe I'm here." I hear my girlfriends voice. "What is she doing here?" My girlfriend asked looking at y/n and Dicky comes down stairs. "Hey, y/n. So what brings you here." "Uh, I... uh, wanted to know if I can spend the night because I don't wanna re my brothers face and the stupid chick he's sleeping with but I guess I couldn't stay away from one of them, so I think I should just go." Y/n says getting up but I stop her. "No. I think g/n (girlfriends name) should leave." "What?" She asked. "Yeah I think you should leave." I said once more. "You bitch. Did you tell him?" She tried walking to y/n angrily but I block her. "And what if she did? Just get out I don't wanna see you. We're done." I say. "And tell b/n that I don't wanna see him again." She scoffs and leaves slamming the door. "What just happened?" Dicky asked. "Nothing." I say. "Well, y/n you wanna go set your stuff down?" Dicky asked her. "Yeah." She says. "Wait. Y/n, can I talk to you." "Sure." She says staying downstairs as Dicky walked up stairs sending me a wink. Wait what? A wink shit I forgot he knows I liked her. "Hey, so um, I'm sorry about g/n." "It's fine. And I'm sorry about her cheating on you with my brother." "No it's fine. Well there's actually another girl I like I don't know I wasn't really feeling it much with g/n sure I liked her but I felt something off about our relationship you know." "Yeah. But who's this girl you like?" She asked. "Well, she has these beautiful e/c eyes and beautiful h/l h/c hair she's really kind, she may have a bitchy attitude sometimes but that's alright with me. How about you do you like someone?" I asked. "Yeah." She says. "Can you described him?" I asked already knowing it's probably dicky. "Well he's got brown hair green eyes." That caught me because dicky doesn't have green eyes. "And he's got this one dimple on his left cheek." Is she... is she describing me?" "If you tell me who you like I tell you who I like." "I thought you would've figured it out by now." She says pressing her lips on mine. I was surprised but kissed back.

~the end~

Aidan,Nicky,Five imagines Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora