I was there for you Pt.2 [F.H]

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It's been about 7 years since y/n broke up with Five which in those 7 years they've learned to love themselves. They still kinda miss five but Five oh boy that's a whole nother story he is a mess without them he can't think without thinking of that day they broke up with him he cant sleep without the bed smelling just like their perfume/cologne and conditioner he missed their touch, their kiss, and the way they looked, the way they smile, just everything about them. Now let's see how y/n is doing right now shall we.

~with y/n~

"There they are minding their own business playing mimic on roblox."


Looks like they just got jump scared. It happens. Now-

"Ahhh! Fuck another jump scare!"



"Would you stop fucking screaming so I can talk to the readers!!"


"It's fine. Now let's check up on Five shall we."


~with Five~

"There he is try to get advice from... klaus? Well This'll be interesting."

"Klaus I really need your advice." Five said impatiently

"Whats in it for me?" Klaus asked

"Nothing. Now I need your help I need to see y/n again."

"The old man finally feels something. I assumed that you didn't care that they left you but 7 years really didn't go well for you." Klaus says

"Would you just shut up and help me."

"Did I ever tell you about the time-"

"You waxed your ass yes now if you're not going to help I'll try myself." Five says and leaves the academy to go to griddy's

"Of course he wants coffee. Well I can't say nothing cause I love coffee to.Five just try going to their house and make it up to them you dumbass."

"First off I'm not a dumbass and second why should I listen to you?"

"Um cause I'm the one writing this book duh."

"Fine. But if this doesn't work I'm killing you."

"Blah blah blah. Just go old man."

"Don't call me that."

"Just go already you don't have all day. If you don't hurry and you wait to long than eventually they'll find someone new and probably even forget about you. Just maybe just imagine that." The writer makes five imagine that.

"Fine. I'm going I'm going." Five teleports to  y/n's house Right behind y/n ho is in her gaming chair still playing mimic

"Y/n?" Five says

"Ahhh!" Y/n screams cause five scared them plus they were playing a scary game to. "Five?! What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to apologise about 7 years ago I can't think of anything without thinking of the day you broke up with me and regretting everything I said that day I can't sleep without you next to me. I miss your touch, your kisses, the way you smile, just everything about you. I'm really sorry."

"Five, I- I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to come back to me just at least forgive me." Five says but you go and kiss him

"Five I missed you."

~The End~

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