Chapter 11

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~ 1 month later ~

it was half way through football season and i wanted to try out for the team. i had talked to the coach ,after my injury, before the season started and he said once i was healed i could at least try out. but once i was able to do something i could join the cheerleaders so i at least built back strength so i agreed. so i went up to the coach and he said shouldn't you be getting changed into your practice clothes, and i said actually that't what i came to talk to you about. i said my doc said i'm allowed to play so i wanted to try out now. and he said well what do you play, and i said i can play anywhere and can guarntee your starting player at position can't beat me. and he is like okay you can tryout now here come the boys. i saw Jacob and smiled and he smiled back. the coach announced that i was going to try out and one boy snickered and said a girl is trying out, what a joke. and i marched up to him and i said yea a girl who can kick your ass on and off the field. so i punched him right in the throat and then kneed him in the balls and walked away. so we proceded out to the field to start my try outs.

he started me out at quarterback in a scrimage. so i threw perfect pass after perfect pass after perfect pass. so on the last play a guy charged through and right as he was about to tackle me i said you wouldn't hurt a girl would you? and so hestopped in front of me and i smirked and took off weaving through people and scoring. and so on he tried me at different positions and me acing everyone of them. so he gave me spot and said great job and i just smiled. i waited for Jacob to meet me at my car. he came out a few minutes later and we drove to my house. we went inside and sat down and he wraped his arms around me and said you were amazing out there and i smiled and said thanks. and i leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips before snuggling back into him.

we must had fallen asleep because when i woke up Jacob was talking ad shaking in his sleep. and so i turned over so i faced him, and started calling his name while rubbing one hand up and down his back soothingly and the other hand entangled in his hair. he calmed under my touch and woke up with sadness in his eyes. i pulled back to be pulled right back into him and i said Jacob i'm not going to leave you but why don't we go upstairs. he nodded his head as i held his hand leading him up to my room.

i sat on my bed with my legs crossed facing Jacob sitting across from me. he pulled me in his lap and rested his head in the crook of my neck and started breathing heavily. i wrapped my arms aound him as he had wrapped his tightly around my torso. we stayed like this for awhile. eventually i pulled his face up to look at me, and i saw a vulernable little boy who was sad and it made my heart break. i said Jacob i wll never force you to tell me what happened to you but you need to tell me what causes these dreams. he said okay and took a long breath.

he said i have those dreams from tramatic experiences. he said when i was 8 my mom was diagonised with stage 4 lung cancer and there was nothing anyone could do. my dad turned to alcohol and he was almost never sober. he started blaming me for her death and started calling me names and screaming at me, but it didn't stop there. when i turned 10 he started beating me. i wasn't stupid and knew this was a crime to beat your kids. so i took pictures as evidence if i ever went to the police. one night he stubled across the hard copy pictures and was furious. he beat me so bad i was in the hospital for weeks. i finally went to the police after i got out and told them everything. he was put in jail and isn't coming out for awhile.

i looked at him and i just knew that i loved him. so i just sat in his lap and held him as he was emotionaly recovering. he looked up and said thank you and i said for what and he said for not looking at me like i'm broken for just being here to comfort me and i said your welcome. i said i want to tell you something and he said what. and i said.......

 i love you.

one word to describe what hapened is silence. but then i looked at him as he looked me in the eye and said.......

i love you too.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

thanks so much for reading!!

there will be an epilouge to this book and i will begin writing it but i don't know how long it will take but it shall be posted soon. anyways love ya all and hoped yo enjoyed the book.

i will be posting a new book sometime soon and i hope you all will check it out i will post the name at the end of the epilouge.

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