Chapter 6

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pic of Kierstyn Rose above ^^^^^^^^^^


the next day i got dressed and asked Jackson how he was doing.  He said he was tired and he wasn't feeling back to normal yet so he was going to stay home to be safe.  i then got Brent and was going to drive him to school.  he was going to be there early because i had to take care of something.  So we got in the car only the car wouldn't start. so i went back in my house and changed ino my running clothes then packed my school clothes into my bookbag. i went back outside picked up Breant and took of at a sprint towards the school.  i dropped him off and i sprinted to school.  i was sprinting in the strret because of the cars parked and i guess i didn't hear the motorcycle behind me because i heard someone loudly curse behind me.  i stopped sprinting and looked back and saw a person with their bike on top of them.  i sprinted up to and noticed it was a guy.  i picked up the bike of him and saw the guy was breathing so i relaxed a little.  so i tried to get the guy the to cooperate and get up so i could asses his injuries but he wouldn't let, instead he told me to fuck off.

i instantly froze, i knew that voice it was Jacob.  Shit! so i called his name and he said Myra?  i replied back to him yea it's me please let me help you.  so i finally got him to sit up and let me asses his injuries.  so i took his shirt off only with his shoes and socks.  first i noticed the fresh scars on his chest.  i ran my hands over the scars on his chest and he tensed.  i instantly reconized these type of scars.  they were from abuse.  i quietly whispered to him your parents beat yu don't they.  he instantly tensed and rpped my hands of him and told me it was none of my damn buisness. i instantly flashed back to when Jackson told me that same thing until i finally broke him down and he told me.  tears sprung to my eyes and i turned my head. i didn't look back up at his face instead down at his ankle i noticed the swelling and realized it was a sprain.  so i quickly got out wrap and tape and taped up his ankle.  i got him up and helped him on his bike.  i drove the rest of the way to the school.  i didn't talk to him the whole way to the nurse's office i set him down and then ran off to the bathroom where i quickly changed then walked to the office.

once i was in the office i noticed Jacob was sitting there.  he looked up at me but i quickly averted my eyes.  the receponist called my name and i walked back to the principal's office.  i sat down in his office and told him why Jackson and i missed school yesterday and why we would miss school in the future.  he was sympathtic and said it was okay as long as the work was done.  it told him thank you and left his office. 

i walked to my locker to get my books when this girl came up to me.  she said her name was Kierstyn Rose and that she thought it was cool how i kicked Johnny's ass yesterday.  we talked for a while. it was like we had been best friends for years. to be honest i was really happy to find a best friend in my schol.  one i knew wasn't going to turn on me like previously.  as i started to walk to my first class she stopped and asked what i had first period and i said history.  she started to do a happy dance and i couldn't help but smile.  after she was done she explained that that was her first period too.  so when we got in there we were the first ones so i sat my stuff done with hers at the back. 

i then noticed that Jackson had told me to call him so i told my teacher that i had family issues to deal with if i was late to class which would most likely happen. i walked outside into the fresh air and called Jackson.  he picked up and said that he was having trouble breathing and needed help.  so i went into the office and told the principal to tell all my teachers my situation.  i went back into my history classroom to tell Kiers i had a family matter and asked her to watch my stuff.  i gave her my number so she could contact me then left. as soon as i started to sprint someone called my name. i turned to see who it was and it was Jacob.  at first i wanted to see what he wanted but then rembered what he had said to me the day before and took off at a heavy sprint.  i took a shortcut through the forest and made it him without him catching me. 

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