Chapter 3: Making it work

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(Normal pov)

"A-Astrid, I can explain."

The blond shield maiden looked to Valka who was now removing herself from Hiccup's cock, which was slick with his mother's arousal. As Hiccup got up from the bed and quickly put his pants back on, the young chief saw his betrothed back away slightly.

"You're... sleeping with your mother?!"

Wincing slightly at her disbelieving tone, Hiccup repeated himself. "Astrid, I can explain. Please, just hear me out—"

"This better be good, Hiccup."

Nodding, the young chief took a deep breath and explained himself. "Alright, so remember when the last time we were on Eret's ship and when the gang, Gobber, and my father showed up? Well, after I left, Toothless and I were flying aimlessly for hours, that's when we encountered my mother and Cloudjumper. She took us to her nest and after we saw each other for the first time and getting to know each other, something just... clicked between us," Hiccup explained thoroughly. "Seeing how incredible of a dragon rider my mother, her amazing personality made being around her easy going, all the dragons she's rescued not only from Drago's regime, but also from Dragon Hunter and Trapper factions that are now no more, and her lust for exploration and discovering every secret there is about dragons. I... I fell in love with her, and she fell in love with me."

Astrid absorbed Hiccup's words and could tell he was telling the truth, she had seen him looking at Valka from afar and his breath catching whenever she drew near to him. At first, she merely thought it was him not being used to having his mother back in his life or the desire to reconnect with her after two decades.

Though it would seem they reconnected alright, just not the way Astrid imagined.

Looking to Valka, Astrid raised an eyebrow in question. "You love him too? You're not just using him for your sexual gratification?" She trusted Hiccup's word, completely. Valka, however, she was still somewhat of a mystery to Astrid. She needed to see the truth in Valka's eyes whenever she could find her voice to answer her question.

"I swear to you, the last thing I ever want to do is use Hiccup," Valka reassured firmly. "Hiccup is not only my son, but the man who won my heart not long ago. The love I held for Stoick waned many years ago in my time of isolation. But when I met Hiccup, he... he made me feel alive for the first in a very long time. I love him, and I want to be by his side until the Valkyries summon me home to Valhalla." Astrid could hear the truth in Valka's words and she was grateful for her honesty and relieved that she wasn't just using Hiccup to scratch the itch she has between her legs.

With a heavy sigh, Astrid shook her head and snickered lightly before looking up at the two crazy Haddock dragon riders. "We'll continue this discussion later," she said firmly. "I'm exhausted after the days work and now have the thought of you two entwined in fiery passion burned in my mind. We can have our morning meal together and discuss this in a few hours." Astrid then left the Haddock's hut with haste, and as she closed the door behind her, she felt the tears she had been desperately holding now rolling down her cheeks.

Astrid was genuinely terrified. She had wanted to ignore her fear, but she couldn't. Because she didn't want to lose Hiccup. She loved him. And now Hiccup loves his mother in ways no man ever should love his mother. Not only that, but Valka loves her son in the same manner as well, it isn't right, but she saw how ecstatic Valka was when she was expressing her feelings for Hiccup.

Quickly wiping away her tears, Astrid fled back to her family hut and was thankful her parents weren't downstairs. Making her way upstairs and into her room, Astrid ripped her clothes off and climbed into bed. Pulling a thick bear fur blanket over her naked form, Astrid quickly succumbed to sleep.

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