Chapter 9: Day out

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A/N: It feels like it's been a while, but I can't afford to get lazy here, especially this is the story I want to knock out so I can focus on writing the other two stories I'm working on.

(Normal pov)

"Tell me, where exactly are we going, son?"

Looking over to his mother, Hiccup smiled at her and shook his head. "If I told you that, it wouldn't be a surprise," snickering at the pout Valka gave him, Hiccup then gave her a hint. "I found this place with Toothless prior to meeting you at the Dragon Sanctuary, and it's where Astrid told what I'm searching for in this life is in my heart." Looking over to his wife, who was now three months pregnant, Hiccup gave her a warm smile. "And what I want is the two of you by my side as we lead Berk into a prosperous future."

"Wherever you go, I go, babe," Astrid stated firmly. "You can always depend on me to be there for you and for Berk."

"I know," Hiccup smiled before looking ahead and grinning. "Ah! Here we are." The Haddock trio soon made it out of the thick mist and laid eyes on a beautifully forested area, with rocky hills and mountains. The forestry appeared to be quite dense and autumnal in coloration, stretching across the entirety of the island.

Gasping at the sight, Valka soon exhaled. "Oh, it's beautiful," she then looked to Hiccup with a questioning eyebrow. "You've explored here?"

"Unfortunately, no," Hiccup continued. "Astrid and I were only here a short while, we left before we could explore because we saw a thick cloud of smoke coming from the Dragon Trapper outpost Eret was stationed at when he was still under Drago's employment. I take it you and the former Bewilderbeast of your Dragon Sanctuary were the ones to tear that fortress down?"

"Guilty as charged," Valka smirked before looking down to the dense forest and noting a plain of grass that was by a crystal clear lake. "Oh! Can we settle down here?"

Looking down at the spot his mother wanted to enjoy, Hiccup looked up at her and smiled. "Your wish is my command," patting Toothless on the neck, the young chief pointed to below, the King of Dragons soon descended and touched down on the grass. "This sure is a nice spot. Good eye, Mom." Hiccup praised before laughing at the sight of Toothless all but plummeting down on the grass and rolling around in it while letting out happy warbles and growls. Astrid and Valka soon slid off their respective dragons while also offloading supplies they brought with them; baskets full of fish and chicken for the dragons to enjoy, and a basket that contained food for them when they wished to have food, which they decided to have at the moment. Stormfly joined Toothless in playful wrestling, while Cloudjumper sat down and watch the two while rolling his eyes as if the mere thought of playing in such a manner was beneath him.

Astrid and Valka threw a blanket down on the grass and then set up the food they had packed, all the while, Hiccup offered Toothless and Cloudjumper their baskets of fish, which they happily accepted. He then took the basket of chicken and offered it to Stormfly, the Nadder pressed her head against Hiccup's chest and growled in gratitude before devouring the chicken inside the basket. Turning to his wife and mother, he noted that they removed their coats, and riding armor off while also soaking in the sun shining down on them. The sunlight made his women glow as if they were goddesses in human form, and the fact that one of these beautiful women was now carrying his child made Hiccup beam in contentment. He then sat with the women and looked at them both. "Being here with the two of you and spending some quality time together is all I could've ever asked for," he then gestured to the food. "Shall we eat?"

"Mmm, we shall."

They had brought roasted pork, potato slices, corn on the cob, as well as apples, and to wash all of that food down, they had water skins strapped to their hips. Hiccup savored every moment he could because he knew that once he was back at Berk, he was going to be struck with a tidal wave of duties, requests from his people, and he was going to have to invite many more of the neighboring Viking tribes and kingdoms and see which of the eligible daughters of each Viking clan were suitable for marriage. After, he did promise Snotlout that he would help him find a wife so that he could extend the Jorgenson bloodline, and possibly find love as well. Eventually, the Haddock trio had finished eating and laid together, merely enjoying the pleasant weather and sun shining down on them whilst their dragons acted as sentries to keep watch for any potential danger.

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