chapter three

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Don't Touch That Dial

Well after the meeting was over Natalie and Wanda brought over the stray dishes on one table.
"And that I why you never do a seating chart on an empty stomach" Dottie said.

"Golly, your a whiz at all this committee stuff Dottie. Thankyou for choosing us to help you clean up today, we feel so lucky." Said Wanda.
"Yes, very" Natalie added taking all the cups.

"You are" Dottie replied, as she did that Wanda and Natalie turned around and made faces for their distaste of Dottie.

"Do you think we got off on the wrong foot with her?" Wanda asked Natalie in her head. Natalie nodded and Wanda looked at her to see her reaction.

The two woman turned around and Wanda started first."I can't help but wonder if all of us have gotten off of wrong foot Dottie. And I would like to correct that if I can" she said.

"And how would you do that?" Dottie asked.
Wanda paused and Natalie cleared her throat. "I heard things about you two" Dottie added standing up wand making her way towards them.
"You two and your husband."

"Well we don't know what you've been told... But we assure you, we don't mean anyone any harm." Natalie said.

"I don't believe you."

The radio next to me started to crackle and I tried my best to ignore it. It sounded like it was speaking to us.

"Who is that?" Dottie asked.
"Who are you?"

"Wanda, Wanda, Natal- can they hear me? Who's doing this to you. Natalie-" The radio said. I turned my hand and it let out a small burst of flame causing it to be useless.

The cup in Dottie's hand broke and Natalie and Wanda went to go help her, "Pop quiz you two, how does a house wife get a blood stain out of white linen? By doing it herself." Dottie said walking away.

"Where could Vision possibly be?" Natalie asked.
"What time is it?" Wanda asked Geraldine.

"Mmm, 2 minutes after the last time you asked" she said.

Wanda was pacing back and forth and then vision walked or wobbled up the stairs.

"He looks like hes got a little hitch in his giddy up" Geraldine commented.

"Wanda you look smashing" he said when he finally got up the stairs.

"Vis, Where have you been?" Wanda asked.

"Well, me and the boys were playing a game of horses and shoes. No, that's not it. Shoes and horses. No! Ah! Horses shoes." He replied with a thumbs up.

"Something strange happened with Dottie, but something strange happened before that too it's hard to explain." Wanda said.

"Wanda, Vis, we go on soon." Natalie reminded.

The three walked on stage after Dottie finished her speech about the funds for the talent show.
"And for our final act I give you Natalie, Wanda, and Vision"

"I am a Glamouring thrill and my delightful assistants the illusion" Vision said.

"WE are glamour and thrill, and HE is illusion." Wanda corrected.

"Yeah, what she said."

"Today. We will lie to you and yet you believe our little deceptions because human beings are easily fooled due to their limited understanding of the inner workings of the universe. Flourish!"

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