chapter twenty-four

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"Natalie! Natalie" robert called out.
"Sto arrivando, aspettare" I yelled.

"Ok... So why are we here? What is this?" Agatha asked.
"It was the funeral for my pet bird, Leo"

Agatha gave me a weird look.

"Nellie non riesce nemmeno a dare un minuto per salutare Leo" Frances said.

(Nellie can't even give a minute to say goodbye to Leo.)

I walked out in a green shirt and black pants.

"How old are you?" Agatha asked.
"Seven, this was before I moved to America"

"Ti ho amato moltissimo, Leo. Eri un uccello molto gentile e non mi hai morso. addio" I said.

(I loved you very much, Leo. You were a kind bird and didnt bite me. Goodbye.)

I put my hand pet the bird one last time and me and my parents turned away from the lake and started to walk away.

All of a sudden we heard chirping behind us and I turned to look around.
There the bird sat on top of the box as lively as ever.

"Interesting" Agatha commented.

"Mamma guarda! Leo è vivo! Guarda per favore"

(Mom look! Leo is alive! Look please.)

My parent finally turned around to see Leo standing on my shoulder.

My mom went to check the box to reveal that the bird inside was gone.

"guarderesti quello! Che meraviglia!" My mother said giving my dad a weird look.

(I, Natalie did you ... You know what, would you look at that! How wonderful!)

"Hmm, okay I stand corrected, TWO baby witches who need therapy" Agatha said.

"So let me get this straight... Your bird, Leo, terrible name for a bird by the way, died. And you and your parents went to a lake to give him a funeral, kind of dramatic, and after you touched him he just..."
Agatha did an exaggerated hand movement, "Poof, came back to life?"

"My parent told me he was just sleeping" I say annoyed.

"And you believed them!?"

"I was seven, okay?"

"You know what, I think it's time to see where you got the big guns"

The door turned into the metal one that I hated so much.

"Looks like your up again, Nat" Agatha said.

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