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The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies 




The fog rolled in around our feet, I looked over at Dad wide eyed but he was calm and ready "Remi! Get all the woman and children to the basement! You and Ron keep them safe, grab a couple of warriors to help you" He barked at one of his warriors who nodded and immediately jumped into action. 


That's the rogues, their howls are bone chilling, I looked around in what felt like panic. Shaking with fear I tried to find a member of my family to calm myself but everyone was running around leading the women and children away and getting into formation awaiting their orders. I looked back up on the hill and there she was... Storm. Her eyes glowing midnight blue, purple rays flowing around her hands she lifted herself into the air and floats down to us. 

She makes me calm 

I smile feeling waves of relief washing over me "Since when can she fly?" Milly mumbled standing by my shoulder, I shook my head "Who knows" "Guess we don't really know much about her do we?" She muttered. 

I'm just glad she's here, she lands gently and strides over with confidence far beyond her years... How does she do it?

"I can buy you guys some time to prepare but I won't be able to hold a forcefield that long" She's talking to Dad, he's looking around wheels turning in his head thinking. The wolves howl again but this time it sounded closer, Dad clenches his jaw tightly his eyes beginning to glow red... He's summoning the berserker... We've heard stories but have never seen it. 

"Do it" The power flowing off of Dad's voice makes even my hairs stand up, Storm nodded her hands working furiously to summon enough magic. She lets it grow between her hands before clapping and releasing it, the ground shakes as the force field bursts up into the air moving quickly to meet itself in the middle creating a dome. This one shone brighter than her last one, clearly requiring more power to keep it up. 

I stood in between Mom and Dad, Reign on the other side of Mom. Diego and Liv stood alongside us with Milly, Alex and Matt. The Royal family and the Alpha stood in front to protect the others. The pack's best warriors behind us and so on down the line. Three hundred wolves ready to fight who knows how many rogues and a mad man just to protect their home. 

"Dad? Dad I'm scared" I whispered hoping no one else had heard me, he glanced my way "So am I son. So am I, but this is our home" He looked me in the eye "And we will fight to the death if we need too to protect it" I clenched my jaw nodding, Mom grabbed my hand "Whatever happens Sweet face, don't let the feeling of death overwhelm you. Remember death is what you make of it" 

We stared out into the distance waiting, Storm panting heavily trying to hold the forcefield up. The trees rustled as the wolves piled out into the clearing drooling at the mouth ready for a fight. Rogue wolves are a different kind of wild, not tied to any one pack, no loyalties, no one to control them. They can do what they want whenever they want, that's what makes them dangerous. 

Behind the wolves a man appeared, he certainly looked mad he needed no introduction. This must be Keir. He sniffed the air his white eyes gleaming. 


A growl rumbled low in my chest, Dad placed a hand on my arm "Easy" he warned, taking a step forward "We do not wish to fight you, but we will. You are trespassing and you are not welcome here!" He called out but Keir just laughed an eerie hollow laugh, the rogues growled viciously and began pacing clearly bored with waiting. 

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