Breaking Tradition

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When you create something new, you're breaking tradition- which is an act of defiance...

We stared at each other, circling, eyeing the other one up. Reign and Sawyer stood to the side ready to pounce when needed.Without warning Samson shifted into his Wolf, his mud brown hair sprouting all over his body his clothes ripping to shreds. In Wolf form he towered over me, I looked back at Reign in panic. This isn't what we planned.

Samson took my brief distraction as an opportunity to lunge at me, pinning me to the ground his teeth threatening to rip my throat out. I tried to hold his jaw away from my neck as I squirmed underneath him.

I could hear everyone shouting encouragement, willing me to do something to fight back. Samson was frothing at the mouth his claws digging into my chest.

I let out a scream as they pierced my skin, my hold on his jaws lacked and he snapped at my throat. My vision went red and my Wolf ripped through my skin. My sudden shift and change in form knocked Samson off of my chest.

I stood across from him my six foot frame now standing in Wolf form. I snarled circling him, snapping at his side when he got too close.He was adamant of killing me that much was pretty damn obvious, I didn't have as much experience fighting in Wolf form as I admittedly should have but I'm going to have to wing it.

This dickhead cannot win.

I lunged at Samson swiping his side with my sharp claws he let out a howl as I made contact. Sawyer walked around us still in human form, his movement distracted me. Samson made his move, I whipped out of his way at the last second kicking out with my back legs. He hurtled into the castle wall hitting it with a loud thud.

He shook his head snarling, drool dripping from his jaws. His eyes watching me furiously, I snarled at him. Egging him on, I glanced at Reign silently asking her to take Sawyer out to avoid anymore distractions.

Thankfully she got my hint, taking off at a run she leapt into the air landing on Sawyer her fist making contact with his jaw she pummeled him into the ground knocking him out.

Samson let out a bloodcurdling growl and went for her, she dodged him at the ultimate last second making even my heart stop briefly. I lunged at Samson my jaws gripping his back legs I shook my head lifting him off of the ground.

His body turned back on itself as he whipped around biting my ear, I yelped dropping him. Reign shifted, her white Wolf standing out against the backdrop of the sky.

The sun was setting casting a blood red glow across the orange and yellow. Seems fitting.She knocked me out of the way taking over the fight, as was her plan.

Should I allow her to carry through?Does this mean I am weak?I'm the first born.I should be Alpha.

And yet it didn't feel right, an Alpha should only be Alpha if he is called to do so. Otherwise he won't be able to lead properly. As long as the people recognise him as their Alpha he has control, but leadership that comes from a calling not from the people.

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