One Funeral and a Challenge

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We put the hunt for Keir aside while we held a funeral for my father, the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack.

We held it on the Royal grounds of the castle. Every Alpha across the continent came to pay their respects, some members of other Royal families also came along.

Dads death and how it happened really shook up a lot of the packs when they found out, the others used to pass judgements about our open relationships with witches and other supernatural beings but after what happened a lot of packs decided to follow suit.

Turning to covens for help, some even allowing matings that would've previously meant a Wolf being exiled and made rogue.

My family and I sat in the front row shaking hands with everyone who came to pay their respects. Mom looked like a ghost, still grieving her mating bond being broken. Twenty years gone in the blink of an eye, Storm squeezed my hand gently providing silent comfort, I returned the squeeze not even able to comprehend loosing her. Feeling that bond being ripped away suddenly.

A big burly Alpha stood in front of me holding out his hand "My condolences Alpha Axel" he bowed his head as a sign of respect, a wave of nausea ran through me.

Alpha AxelI was to be the new AlphaAm I worthy enough?Am I strong enough?

I smiled tightly and bowed my head in response, I'll deal with my internal issues later right now I need to focus on getting through this funeral. Once respects to the mourning family had been paid everyone returned to their seats.

Pops stood up to speak as the Alpha King it was his duty to lead the service and introduce the next Alpha for the pack. Me, my heart was racing in my chest.

I can't do this.

"Today we mourn a great loss. Alpha Kol was a magnificent leader, he lead the pack with pride and dignity. He was a good mate and a good father to his children. He touched the lives of many with his kindness, under his leadership the pack house was always welcoming to everyone and anyone who fell on hard times. No one in the pack felt unwelcome or unheard" Pops stood tall, all Alpha's heads bowed, respect for the Blue Moon King.

"Alpha Kol raised his children to carry on his legacy with pride, to have the same kind heart and love for the pack as he and his family before him had. It is my honor to introduce the newest Alpha of the pack. Kol's eldest and only son. Axel Saunders"Applause rang out throughout the congregation, while Pops' speech had been brief and to the point like he always is I somehow hoped I would have more time. All eyes were on me as I walked past Dads coffin and up the steps. My mouth was dry, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest.

I stood beside Pops and faced everyone, any minute now Pops would open the floor to a challenge. As was tradition, it was unheard of for anyone to challenge the next in line. My palms were sweaty as I stood there, all eyes on me. "As is tradition I shall open the floor momentarily, if anyone has any reason that Axel should not be Alpha let him speak now or forever hold his peace"

My eyes scanned the crowd, Royal wolves sat amongst warriors and commoners. The seconds ticked by in silence for what felt like an eternity.Pops turned to me clasping my shoulder tightly with his hand but just as he opened his mouth and voice rang out.

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