Storms Aplenty

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Storms make trees take deeper roots

"You know you're actually a pretty strong witch" Mom gasped as she clambered up from the ground I smirked on the sidelines watching my mother take on my mate Storm smiled sweat covering her brow "oh you haven't seen anything yet watch this" she swirled her hands around a purple haze floating around them twining around her fingers she clapped her hands together and a purple force field erupted from the ground running up towards the sky until it met in the middle creating a dome around our home.

"holy shit" Mom shielded her eyes with her hand looking up "I can do a force field but nothing that strong" Storm shrugged her shoulders "sure you can you're a powerful witch you just need practice" she lowered the force field, I thought the witches in my family were strong but we clearly don't have a dent compared to Storm. 

When she came back the other night she was shaken, it made me nervous. A big threat is clearly looming and I'm not entirely sure we can beat it. All of us kids are still green compared to our parents and they still talk about their last big fight with tears in their eyes, what happened to Mom really shook them who knows what they'll do if that was to happen again. 

We'd all been training non stop ever since Storm told us they were coming, whoever they are, they're coming for the throne, Pops isn't as young anymore, would he still be able to fight them off? Could Grams hold them? 

"Storm?" she turned to face me "I think maybe we should call a meeting with everyone so we know what we're actually up against?" 

She looks nervous

What is she not telling us?

What are we facing here?

She slowly nodded biting her lip she looked away. The wind caught her hair blowing it across her face, we don't know each other long, but she is my mate, I will always protect her or at least die trying. Mom took a few steps closer gently clasping Storm's arm "We do need to know what we're going up against Storm. My entire family is at risk here, whoever or whatever this is... We need to defeat it, together"

"Ok, I'll tell you guys, but you're not gonna like it. Better call everyone this is gonna be big" She wandered off towards the main building of the castle, I looked at Mom she just shrugged her shoulders and set off following Storm back to the building. 

We all gathered in Pops' study, seated around his long table we all looked at Storm expectantly. She shuffled nervously in her seat. 

Why is she so nervous?

Does she think we will loose?

Does she not think we are strong enough?

"When I was travelling with my parents, we stayed with some witches in Blood Moon pack territory, we found most pack's to be welcoming to wandering witches like us because most of the time we came with new spells and medicine that their covens hadn't heard of yet" She shuffled again nervously, playing with her hair she wouldn't make eye contact with anyone.

"but this pack they had their troubles with the witches, some kind of turf war, apparently the wolves came along and claimed a lot of land that originally belonged to the witches. They drove them out of the town towards the river where they built camps and set up homes there, this happened hundreds of years ago but that hatred still runs deep. There were some witches that would help the wolves but that was usually because a wolf had mated with them so they felt obligated to help. It was for love" she readjusted herself in her seat "this usually caused trouble between the two parties, the witches believed that the wolves were tricking their young girls into being with them under false pretenses claiming that they had mated with them. The council of elders urged the young witches to resist, to fight against whatever supernatural force they were feeling. They feared the wolves getting more power than what they already had"

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