The Aftermath

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It's hard to turn the page when you know someone won't be in the next chapter, but the story must go on...

The silence in the common room was eerie, the warriors had begun clean up after the battle but you could hear a pin drop in here. Everyone sat in silence, Gianna sat in the corner a blanket wrapped her shoulders staring off into the distance her eyes bloodshot from crying and empty. 

"The scent disappeared just as fast as we picked it up, wherever they've gone its far from here. I'm sorry your majesty" The King nodded to the guard his attention solely on his daughter. The guard dismissed himself leaving us all alone in the room closing the door with a soft clack. 

Raphael cleared his throat "Well today has been rough but we will get through it-" "-Shut up" "- we just need to pull ourselves together and devise a plan to get Axel back-" "-I said shut up"

Raphael seemed oblivious to Gianna in the corner of if he wasn't he was doing a good job at pretending he didn't "Gianna darling I understand your pain but your son is missing" 

"SHUT UP" the power from her roar knocked us all backwards "you don't get to stand there and pretend that nothing has happened! My mate is dead and it's all your fault" I looked up at Gianna while she spat her words at me "you, you led them here. You let them kill my mate and take my son and now you sit there pretending to grieve? WHERE ARE YOUR TEARS? WHY WON'T YOU CRY FOR MY SON? MY MATE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH!" she lunged at me and I just barely dived out of the way. I spun around to look at her, her eyes shone bright blue like she was fighting her wolf in shifting. 

"I lost everything because of you. WHY DID YOU COME HERE?" 

"I- I- I Uh I" I struggled to get any form of a sentence out, she growled a low and menacing growl if I didn't say something she was heading straight for my throat "I came to warn you about the Blood Moon Pack"

"You mean the pack that is actually fine? Turns out that psychopath was after you not the throne. He wants you, and if it means getting my son back he can have you" She sneered at me, I didn't need a mirror to know my face had gone white.

"Gianna darling, Kol would not have wanted this, we need to hold it together right now to find Axel" Frieda approached Gianna slowly her hands out in front of her gently reaching out, I nodded my head frantically hoping her mother would knock some sense into her. 

No such luck she let out such a growl the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, her fingers turning into claws she lunged at me again. I scrambled out of the way it didn't take a genius to figure out if I went up against the White Wolf I wasn't coming out alive, she'll march me straight through to death herself if it gives her peace of mind. 

"Gia listen to me I know you're distraught but killing the only witch strong enough to take this nut bag down isn't the wisest idea right now" Diego barked at her from across the room, I'm growing concerned that the King hasn't even attempted to calm her down. 

I knew Keir was crazy but I didn't think he was this crazy "Gianna listen to me please, he wants you to believe he is here for me but I promise you he's not if he really wanted me he could've taken me just after he slaughtered my parents! I was injured so badly I couldn't even move properly! He wants you all to turn on me, then he will use Axel to get to you that's why he took him. He's- He's going to hurt him, change him and then send him back and he'll get in that way. We need to get to Axel.... NOW!" 

"I don't think you are in any position to be making demands Miss Storm" Raphael threatened from the corner, I gulped trying to remove the lump building in my throat, Reign and Milly glared at me whispering frantically to each other. Milly drew her sword and stalked over pointing the tip under my chin her eyes dancing with fury "If you are lying. If my cousin dies because of you, I will remove your head from your shoulders myself. One of us has already died because of you"

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