Sharing is Caring (and Stupid)

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"Welcome, Castaways. Today, everyone except for Dawn, Scott, Izzy, and DJ are up for the vote. Let's get right into it! First up, Flavio!"

-Flavio Confessional-

"Listen, I know Izzy and Charlie were mostly to blame for todays loss. But, Red literally slept through the challenge. He told us to do it on our own. At least in the dodgeball challenge first season, Duncan helped in the end!"

-End Confessional-

Flavio cuts Red's string

Izzy cuts McKenzie's string

Rose cuts Red's string

McKenzie cuts Red's string

-McKenzie Confessional-

"Majority is nine votes, tie is eight. Rose, Flavio and I have already voted for Red, and Izzy has voted for me. Ivan votes red, since he and Flavio stick together. That's 4-1. Then, Charlie's gonna vote Red since they think that they're gonna go home otherwise. That's 5-1. Red will vote for me, in a last-ditch attempt to close the gap. 5-2. Luma, Kai, Uriah, Porter, and Thea will vote together, so that's either 10-2 or 5-7 or 5-5-2. DJ will vote with whoever is in the majority at the time, Dawn will vote for me, since apparently I have 'the least clean aura'. Scott will vote with Dawn. Chanel's a wildcard. So, in the end, it's either Red or I going home."

-Luma & Kai Confessional-

"We decided - as an alliance - to pretend to shun one another, making them think the alliance has split in two. Kai and I are voting for McKenzie, while Thea, Porter, and Uriah are voting for Red."

-End Confessional-

Luma cuts McKenzie's string

Kai cuts McKenzie's string

DJ cuts Red's string

Dawn cuts McKenzie's string

Porter cuts Red's string

Scott cuts McKenzie's string.

"It's getting close! 5-5, between Red and McKenzie."

Uriah cuts Red's string

Ivan cuts Red's string

Chanel cuts McKenzie's string

Charlie cuts McKenzie's string

Thea cuts Red's string

Red cuts McKenzie's string.

"Red, McKenzie, you are tied, 8-8 vote! Now, it's time for a tiebreaker round, because I'm not sending home two of you," Chris exclaims. The sadistic host pulls out a glass bowl out of nowhere.

"Now..." he reaches his hand into the bowl, "The tiebreaker is... aha! Okay, McKenzie, Red, come with me."

The two people on the line walk with Chris, before he pulls them behind a curtain.

"You two must steal something from each of your teammates. Bring them here, and put them in the box, under the name of the owner of the item. You won't take anything from yourself or your opponent. The rest of your team will just think that I was too lazy to come up with a tiebreaker, and I let you both stay another round. Got it?"

Both teens nod, and go back to the fire pit.

"Now, I'm too lazy to come up with a tiebreaker, and producers said I can make this a reward challenge! You're all safe for now..."

-Kai Confessional-


-Ivan Confessional-


-Rose Confessional-


-Luma Confessional-

*vague signing*

-Thea Confessional-


-Charlie Confessional-


-Porter Confessional-


-DJ Confessional-


-Uriah Confessional-


-Scott Confessional-


-All Castaways besides McKenzie and Red Confessional-

"I mean, it's Chris!"

-McKenzie Confessional-

"Well, that went well!"

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