Suns out Buns Out - Part Two

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(Me? Putting off writing books on my own account because this is the only one I don't have writers block for? Psh, never)

-Abby Confessional-

"So, last time I fell, I was going at, like, the speed of fast. So this time, I'm definitely using my parachute, then grabbing one of the spares from the people already on the burger - lucky bastards - if I don't make it."

-End Confessional-

As Abby and Uriah step up to the edge of the plane for the second time, both gulp with nervousness.

Both jump out at relatively the same time. Abby pulls her parachute, and it contains an actual parachute. Sadly, the parachute is not connected to the backpack by anything, so it's relatively useless. She does, however, get onto the burger, and is promptly covered by a piece of lettuce.

Uriah also pulls hit parachute, which is filled with a suspicious brown substance. Uriah sticks his finger in it.

"Ooh, chocolate!" he squeals with delight, before putting his finger in his mouth. His face contorts to an expression of disgust. "NOT CHOCOLATE. COW MANURE. DEFINITELY NOT CHOCOLATE!" He lands - once again - next to Luma, who grabs the backpack and pours the manure that didn't come out in the air right back onto his face, before she whistles and walks away.

"5-5, we're at a tie!"

Chanel and Geoff both just get it over with, by jumping out quickly. Chanel lands on the burger, and Geoff does not. A piece of lettuce shields Chanel from view, and the next two jumpers walk up.

DJ and Sugar both jump, and DJ pulls his parachute close to the ground, but rather than a parachute, gets butterflies. DJ gets a mouthful of sand, while Sugar lands in the lake and gets a mouthful of octopus instead.

-Sugar Confessional-

"Ok, what in the diggity-darn-dang is that lake! I just had my first taste of Calimoo-ree, and I'm pretty sure octopus don't live in lakes. They live in the clouds, duh! That's why the have to ten-tickles, so that they can fly like a helicopter!"

-End Confessional-

This time, Sadie jumps first, and miraculously lands on the burger. However, Katie jumps before Natalie and Duke can cover Sadie, and also lands on the burger, so she bounces both her and her best friend off of the burger.

Next, Kai lands on the burger, after having to be pushed out of the plane by Thea and Ivan, while screaming "I'M NOT FALLING INTO THE TOILET AGAIN," and promptly faints upon landing, before getting covered by some giant tomato.

After that, Amai jumps, and - for some reason - holds her breath while she's falling. She lands on the burger, and Natalie and Duke put some cheese on top of her.

The final jumper for the Islanders, Jordan, doesn't land on the burger, and instead gets attacked by birds once again. This time, though, they drag him to somewhere in the forest. With a sigh, Geoff goes to find him.

Thea jumps, landing on the burger, and a piece of tomato follows.

"We're 6-8 Castaways, with one jumper left for this round. The Castaways need three, and the Islanders need five."

With a gulp, Ivan jumps, last again. He doesn't land on the burger, but he does land on something else. Porter, to be exact, who faints upon impact.

"Porter!" Uriah yells, rushing over.

"Oh no! Now Luma has to carry the stuff by herself!" DJ says, worry in his eyes. Both Luma and Uriah glare at Ivan, before Uriah and Ivan go over to wait for the next round with DJ. Once Jordan and Geoff return, the third round starts.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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