Shoulda Put a Ring on It

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A/N sorry for the short chapters lately. I'll make this a two-in-one. As in, you see whether Red or McKenzie goes home, and you see the next challenge. Also, fun fact, I have four different chapters to this story open rn because not only do I need to know who's on the Castaways, but also which returnees are Castaways and what your OC's are like. ALSO I JUST REALIZED I MIXED UP A COUPLE OF CHARACTERS, SO GIRLSLIKEMEGAN I'M SORRY FOR THEA BEING SO OOC. Heads up, by now, I have the whole entire elimination order decided by now, it's just not written.

It's dark out, and only McKenzie and Red are awake. Both collecting items, but McKenzie has a little... secret.

-McKenzie Confessional-

"Perks of being rich? Deliveries! Now, time to deliver some sleepy-time darts right into Red's arm, hehe."

-End Confessional-

McKenzie blows into her dart gun, and lands two hits right on Red's arm. He quickly passes out, as McKenzie collects items from her other campers.

Charlie's necklace.

Scott's bat.

Flavio's hair-dye.

Kai's stuffed frog (his real frog was too slimy).

DJ's cap.

Chanel's notebook.

Ivan's hoodie.

Porter's swim trunks.

And Uriah's... uh... dartboard with Lexi's photo on it.

Luma, Dawn, Rose, and Thea would wake up if anyone got close, so McKenzie decides to go put her already acquired items where all the stolen items go.

Before she gets there, however, she feels a quick tap on her shoulder. She turns around to see Dawn standing there.

"I may not like you, but you're better than Red," Dawn says quietly before handing her a flower crown.

She then hands McKenzie a mask, a tiara, and a bucket of chicken.

"The mask is one of Rose's, the tiara is Thea's, and the chicken is Luma's," Dawn whispers with a small smile. "Now, I'm gonna wake up Red, while you bring those to the bonfire pit."

-Dawn Confessional-

"Our team isn't great. Luma, Kai, Uriah, Porter, Chanel, Charlie, Flavio, DJ, and Izzy all have nice auras. Scott has a bad aura, but it seems easily susceptible to change. Red, Rose, and Ivan all seem to be on the evil scale. Thea is trying to act nice, but her aura reveals something else. McKenzie... well, I'm unsure about her aura. Hers constantly changes. On the other team, Natalie, Amai, Abby, Jordan, Kinsey, Duke, and Keegan, along with all the returnees, are all good. Joie is the same as Scott. Matthias has a bad aura, but Quentin? I'm staying as far away from him as possible. His... his aura is pitch black, with bits and pieces of brown, grey, and turquoise. He's using evilness as a way to combat his problems. But, he's also charismatic, manipulative, greedy, and self-absorbed. But... there's something else... something worse than his surface aura. It's like, there's something covering up his true personality and making him seem like the guy we see. Almost like... he's not alone in his body."

-End Confessional-

Once McKenzie places the last item - Dawn's flower crown - in it's designated spot, and a loud horn goes off, waking up all the campers.

"Attention campers! The tiebreaker has finishes, Red is the one going home!"

With a smile on McKenzie's face and a scowl on Red's, the Castaways get to the docks to watch Red plummet at hundreds of miles per hour across an entire Great Lake.

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