CHAPT. 05 | Supermarkets and Tattoos

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Walking around the place, Y/n was walking with Ni-Ki as he showed her around the place. As the night sky of Japan was lit up by street lights as the stars shined shone on the earth with the blinding moonlight, Y/n looked at Ni-Ki's back as his hair bounced up and down while he walked.

As Y/n giggled before Ni-ki soon looked at her after turning his head and about to her, he tilted his head as she soon rufgled his hair making him roll his eyes sarcastically. Walking to an ice cream parlor as Ni-Ki excused himself to the toilet, Y/n bought two cones of ice cream.

As Ni-Ki came back, she handed him an ice cream cone making him startled and surprised at her for buying him an ice cream. Enjoying the ice cream, the two stood still eating.

While the sun had already setted less than two hours ago, It was getting near dinner time, the two were still out lurking around for more food to try. Finding another shop the two were then already lining up to buy some food.

Seeing the menu, the two were trying to choose food, as the two ended up ordering udon and ramen, they waited for their food to finish to get called.

Getting their food Y/n sat down saving Ni-Ki a seat in the small street food market as he took the food.

Handing her a bowl of food she was then slurping on her noodle before praising it's flavour making Y/n smile at her cuteness looking very innocent.

Soon enough they walked into a Supermarket at a quiet part of town, the two walked inside while taking one car to put in their stuff.

As Ni-Ki looked around seeing the cashier nowhere to be seen, he hopped into the cart startling Y/n who stood next to it.

"Push the cart" Ni-Ki said smilling.

As Y/n and Ni-ki played around in the supermarket as their laughs filled the empty place, they hurriedly get Ni-Ki out off the cart as they heard the front door slide open with a beeping noise before the two went to the self checkout while giggling as they payed for the stuff they bought.


As late night came, Y/n and Ni-Ki were still wandering around the streets. As Y/n was walking with Ni-Ki, a stupid idea sparked in her head before she faced Ni-Ki with a mischievous smile.

"No no no, don't give me that look, the last time you gave me that look was through text during when you said you'd just send my number to your friend who wanted to learn Japanese but ended up blowing up my notifications because you said I was a witch" Ni-Ki said with a triggered face making Y/n laugh.

"Now, lets get a tattoo, a small one!" Y/n said making Ni-ki sudden his eyes. "wHAT???" Ni-Ki said. "Please!" Y/n said looking at him with those puppy eyes she used to send in emoticon form when they were still onlly online friend in chats.

"I don't wanna get my ass whooped, I'm not as free as you are!" Ni-Ki said trying to make her change her mind. "Ha. Ha. Bold of you to assume my parents and teachers won't whoop my ass once I get back to Australia, let's just do it for the thrill, please~" she tried hard to bribed him as he soon gave up.

"I- fine" Ni-Ki said as he allowed her to drag him wherever she likes.


Sitting down as the two got their tattoos done, Ni-Ki was wondering how he managed to meet her through online, the two barely have anything in common other than dance yet here the two are.

And what's funnier to Ni-Ki was that they met was because she got lost and was left by her tour bus while he was in Japan.

"Done" the tattoo artists said before the two teens sat up while looking at the tattoos, a small figure eight on both of their collar bones so it won't be too visible.


As the two walked out of the tattoo shop, the two were now still roaming around before they sat at a nearby park.

"You know I never thought we'd meet like this" Ni-Ki said breaking the tension. "Yeah, I thought we'd meet each other in a more well planned way, like at a certain place and time with plans." Y/n said touching where she got her tattoo done.

"But none the less, we got to meet. Most important, I got to meet my annoying online friend." Ni-Ki said teasing her as she had a lot of fun chatting him at random times.

"I'm not THAT annoying, I was just bored, that's all" Y/n said.

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