realities apart

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this one was requested and i loved the idea, so here it is! also it's a bit sad, but enjoy! :)


With every shuddering breath your comfort character took, more tears grazed their splotchy skin. They sat on the floor, curled up, their arms wrapped around their knees and their knees pushed up against their chest. They wished more than anything that you were there to console them, to tell them that everything would be okay.

Their breathing was becoming more rapid and their choked out sobs were becoming louder.

They moved a shaking hand to wipe away their tears and climbed onto their mattress, pulling the covers up to their chin, maybe if they suffocated their self in warmth, their problems would go away. Maybe.

"Sometimes I wonder..." They managed to say aloud, wishing it was you they were talking to, but really it was just the ceiling. The ceiling which tormented them. The ceiling which they stared at every day wishing that you were beside them, staring at it too.

"How we were destined to such a fate. A fate in which I sit here, without you. A fate in which you sit wherever you are now, without me." They were going to say more, but trailed off their sentence.

They took a still slightly shaky hand and rested it on their face which was sticky with tears.

Slowly, they began to rub circles on their cheek with their thumb. It was stupid to pretend you were caressing them, they knew that, but it brought them comfort.

They rolled over and curled up into the fetal position, letting their tears stain their pillowcase. Closing their eyes and wrapping their arms around their torso, they wondered what it would be like to have you here. For a minute they swore they could even feel you hug them.

I miss you, Y/N, so much. They thought. It's not fair that we had to be born realities away, but we'll make it work. I know we will. And with that, they drifted off into deep, peaceful sleep.

A/N: okay sorry i really need to get better about writing longer ones but here we are. someone suggested writing one where your comfort character comforts their self pretending that it's you and i just had to write it because i do the same thing haha. anyways, as always, suggestions are appreciated and thank you for reading the chapter! :)

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