yes, they did body shots off you

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As your eyes fluttered open, you were blinded by the sunlight shining in through the large window. You closed your eyes again, reluctant to wake up, and rolled back over with a grunt. But something was off, and after you opened your eyes once more, it hit you. The dorm (or room) you were in wasn't your own.

Sitting up from your position on the bed, you looked down at the shirt you were wearing, pulling and examining the fabric. This wasn't your shirt, and you had a pounding headache.

"What the-"

"Morning, y/n." Your comfort character smiled at you as they walked into the room holding a cup of coffee.

With a gasp, you squeezed your eyes shut. "Holy shit you scared me."

"Sorry." They chuckled and moved to sit at the end of the bed. "Someone looks rough."

"Yeah, thanks. But uhm, real quick, why am I here? And why am I wearing your shirt?" You racked your brain, trying to remember anything from the night before, but drew a blank.

"Oh- you don't remember." Your comfort character laughed, throwing their head back. "You got blackout drunk at the party last night and threw up on yourself. So I brought you here to make sure you weren't alone in case you needed help."

As the words left their mouth, your memories started to come back to you, which wasn't necessarily a good thing.

"Oh God." Your hand moved to cover your mouth. "Did you really do body shots off me?"

Your comfort character took a sip of their coffee, trying to contain their laughter. "Yep." Their tone was laced with a hint of pride.

A/N: it's another short one ladies and gents, and i hate how it turned out. i really want to do some cute ones like that one i did one time where you were dancing in the rain with your comfort character but i'm fresh out of ideas. anyways, TYSM FOR 5K READS!!! also i really hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to tell me things you want changed in the future and don't forget to vote! muah have a good day <3

scenarios with your comfort character Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora