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Word count: 251
You sat on the bed in your dorm, the only thing keeping the room from complete silence was the chirping of birds through your open window. A gentle breeze flowed in, tousling your hair a little. Clutched against your chest was your comfort character's sweater.
Much to your surprise, you had woken up moments ago to find it, along with three other jumpers, folded up on your desk. On top laid a handwritten note that read "I thought you could use a few of these. Just don't stain them please, darling."
You brought the sweater to your nose and inhaled, taking in the familiar scent of your comfort character's cologne.
Oh, how you loved them. They were always so considerate and never failed to make butterflies erupt in your stomach. And let's not even talk about how easily they could bring a blush to your face. There were no words that could express the way they made you feel.
Deciding to wear their sweater to breakfast, you slipped off your pajama shirt, replacing it with the comfortable cotton jumper.

After you finished getting ready and caught up on some homework, there was a gentle rasp at the door.
You walked over and opened it to see your comfort character standing, hands in their pockets and a grin on their face.
"Well you look absolutely stunning." They leaned in and kissed your cheek.
"Thank you, y/c/c/n." You smiled and grabbed their hand. "Ready for breakfast?"
"Of course. Let's go."

A/N: ugh another short one that i haven't edited. i feel bad because i'm giving you guys trash content 🥲
anyways idk if y'all remember how i said i was gonna be starting a book, but i did and it's so much better than this series. like i promise this series is not an accurate representation of my writing abilities, i just can't be bothered to edit these stories once i finish the first draft.
but uh yeah even though this writing is awful and the stories are mediocre i would appreciate it if you voted and left suggestions :)

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