Part 12

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Colby's POV:
Toady is a sad day, it's a day where we say goodbye to the trap house and hello to the future.
I said while making a toast to everyone.
Although we have made so many memories in this house, I am excited to see what comes next, I am excited to see what the world will throw at us, and most of all I'm excited to get a new house damn this place is a mess!
Everyone laughed in unison. I took a look around and studied everybody in the room. The energy was fantastic and seeing everyone enjoy their last night in the trap house made me so sentimental.

It had gotten late, Sam and Kat were still dancing the night away. It's so funny, Sam always looked his happiest when he was with Kat. I could tell that they cherished every moment with each other.

Sams POV:
Listening to Colby's speech really made me tear up, thinking about all the memories, the mega prank war, the forklift in the backyard, the multiple slides into the pool, and THE FREAKING HOT TUB NEVER WORKING, really made me think and appreciate everything that I was able to be part of in this house.
Looking around at everyone who has been part of the the trap house 'gang' for the past few years was surreal, these people made me who I am and without them I don't know where or what I'd be!

As the night started to slowdown, Kat and I were dancing to a slow song, when out of the corner of my eye I see Colby sitting out side by himself.
The song ended and Kat went to the kitchen, I decided to go talk to Colby.

"Hey what's up? You all good?" I asked concerned
"Yeah I'm all good why?" He asked
"You just seem a bit down"
"Yeah, well, I mean, we are moving out tomorrow, I'm kinda scared, I don't want to live by myself. I just know that I am going to struggle going from living in a house with 5 people to just myself." He told me
"Awe Colby, don't worry, it's going be to be alright okay? Anyways I'll be just down the hall and Jake is just the next floor, and you know you can come over anytime" I told him.
"Yeah but what if you have Kat over?"
"You can still come over that won't matter! I will always be there for you Colby and I need you to realise that" I told him.
"Thank you Sam, I really appreciate that. I think I might go to bed, gotta get up early and start loading up the trucks" he said to me
"Yeah I guess you're right. Well goodnight then!" I said to him
"Goodnight Sam!" He said back

I didn't know Colby was feeling this anxious about moving in by himself. I knew he was stressed but I didn't know it was this bad. if he had told me then we could've definitely worked something out. But it's okay, I know he will get through it

Colby's POV:
Sam came out to talk to me about tomorrow and reassured me that everything was going to be okay. Except there was one line that stood out to me, "I will always be there for you Colby, I need you to realise that" for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about that one line. It made me feel so at ease. Even though I already knew sam cared about me, it really showed just how much he cared.

To be honest, I am nervous to move out on my own, I have never lived on my own, and I am really nervous because there is no one right there if you need them, like, what happens if you are eating noodles and you choke? What? Do you just accept it and choke or do you run around the apartment complex coughing and pointing at your throat hoping someone will help?
It's also the fact that I will become extremely introverted, I try not to show it on camera but I'm real life, I hardly ever talk, I keep to myself, which some may call introverted, so I fear that I will become even MORE introverted. But that's an issue for another day. I need to get to sleep so I can wake up early and finish parking.

Same POV:
I'm worried about Colby, I know how stressed he's been feeling lately about this move and all I want to do is help him to feel better but I'm afraid I don't know how. I don't know how to give life advice, I am not good at that. It's usually Colby giving me the life advice. Anyways, I know that he will get through this, he always does.

Time skip to the next morning:
Colby's POV:
I woke up super early so I was able to get in the shower first and actually have a hot water shower, because if your last, pfft good luck trying to have a long hot shower. Anyways after a shower I went back into my room and packed up the remaining things in my room. I pretty much had my whole desk left to clean up. I didn't quite know how I was feeling as I packed it up, because there was photos of old friends and new ones, but most of the picture were with people who lived here. To be quite honest I felt like this was the end of the road for a few relationships in this house. Sam, Jake and I were all moving into the same apartment complex, so I knew we'd be okay. However I didn't know about the rest of the house.
The last thing I needed to box up was the desk itself, so I went next door to Sams room and opened the door. I saw him in bed. He was lying there so peacefully, then I realised what time it actually was, it was 5:10 AM. No one is ever awake at this time. And there was no way I would wake sam up to take a desk apart.
Knowing the time made me want to justo back into bed but I knew if I did and didn't finish this desk I would rush it later. Ughhhhhhh I groaned quite loud actually. Soon after I heard a knock on the door.
"Hey, come in" I said
"Hey Colby" Sam said
"Hey sorry did I wake you up?" I asked Sam
"Nah, I was just wondering if that was you showering so early? Were you planning on going to the gym or something?" He asked concerned
"Oh yeah sorry I didn't realise the time. And nah I'm not gonna go today, I think iv got too much in the brain at the moment" I said back
"Fair enough. You're all good though yeah?"
"Yeah I'm totally fine, except for the fact I have to take apart this stupid desk!" I said.
"maybe I can help?" He offered
"Yes please! That would be awesome"
We were able to take the desk apart in only 15 minutes!

Sams POV:
I heard it the bathroom door open then the shower turned on, I looked up at the clock on my wall 4:30? Why is Colby up so early? I decided to check up on him after he was out of the shower. I was about to get up when I heard foot steps outside of the door way, then I heard the handle on my door turn, I pretended to be asleep so I wouldn't wake Kat up. My eyes were like that weird open closed eye type thing. And I saw it was Colby, he looked Over to my bed to see Kat then quickly shut the door.
Soon after I went and talked to him, and of course he roped me into helping take apart furniture.

Time skip to a few hours later:
Still Sams POV:
We were so close to our new apartments I was excited. I love moving house, because I get to redecorate all over again.
I looked at Colby, and I could tell he was nervous so I decided to make conversation.
"How are you gonna decorate?" I asked
"Mmm I don't know yet probably put my face everywhere" he said with a smile on his face. "OH MY GOD! I could make a video that will double as an apartment tour!" He said laughing
"That's a great idea!" I said back.
"Oh god will you help me film?" He asked
"Yes of course I gotta see what you order!" I replied
As we continued driving to our destination we kept talking about how we wanted our apartments to look.

I could tell that with this little conversation that Colby was staring to be more open to the idea of living on his own. See I knew he was able to overcome this.

Heyyyy what did you guys think??? Sorry this chapter would've been longer but I am a so tire to imma go to sleep! Thank you for reading and voting I appreciate it! 💜

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