Part 10

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-Sams POV-
So the in a couple of days it Colby's 22nd birthday and I want to make it special. So I have planned a whole bunch of super fun things to do for everyone and if we are all still arguing or whatever, then Colby and I can do something together.

Honestly this whole argument is so dumb but I'm not going to say anything. Also this probably isn't the time for a party but I'm doing it anyways

(Time skip to later)

I was on my phone when Colby texted
On phone
C: hey
S: hey what's up?
C: nothing just at Walmart do you want anything?
S: nah I'm all good. So uh what do you want to do for your birthday?
C: Sam?! I hope your not planning anything.
Read 2:42 pm
C: Sam??
S: no I'm not, why don't you want to do anything?
C: bc of all this crappy stuff that been happening I'm just not in the mood for a party
S: yeah but like you and I could do something?
C: well then for the past few days it has been my birthday party haha
S: haha
C: just don't plan anything. If you haven't already bc I feel like you have! If you did just make sure it's not too big okay!
Read 3:08 pm
S: okay I won't make it big or anything
Read 3:10 pm

Well there goes all Katrina and I's planning!! I have do something for Colby he's my best friend, ahh I don't know I think I need a second opinion.

"Hey Aaron" I yelled from the kitchen
"Yeah?" He yelled back from who knows where
"So you know how Colby's birthday I'm in a few days"
"Well I'm planning a party for him but I don't know what else I need to do"
"Sam, are sure now is a good time for a party?" Aaron said concerned
"Yes he is only 22 once!"
"Okay, show me your plans" Aaron said with a sigh.

Colby's POV
I was really hoping Sam wasn't planning anything big I'm just really not in the mood, ahh you got to love Sam he's so thoughtful.

As I was walking texting Sam this woman ran into me with her cart.
"Uhh excuse me?" I said obviously angry.
As she was going to talk she looked me up and down. (I don't think there was anything wrong with me or my outfit, except a few holes in my shirt but it was made like that.)
"Well you shouldn't have been in the way!" She said very snobbish
"I wasn't and there was plenty of room to go around me" I said back
"Or maybe if you weren't texting then this wouldn't of happened" she said trying to pick a fight. (Mobility Mary is back) I couldn't be bothered with this woman so I just rolled my eyes gave her a 'are you dumb?' Look and walked off.
"I hate kids like you, you think you are too good for everything well take your punk selves and leave go far away from here no one wants you here!"  She said like she was protesting
"Look I don't know what your problem is but it's not my fault that YOU rammed into me is it?" I asked her she gave me a look
"Yes it is, you were on that stupid phone"
"Whatever" after that I got what I needed and left

I got back in the car and decided to do something nice for my roommates now I know I didn't do anything wrong but hopefully if I do something nice they will just stop hating me.

When I got home I made sure that no one was downstairs and brought in my massive box of doughnuts

I called everyone down one by one.
"SAM" I yelled he came down almost immediately. His face lit up with delight as he saw the big box on the counter.
"JAKE, COREY, AARON, ELTON" I called them down.They didn't come down as fast as Sam but still came down. They looked happy and actually talked to me. "What's this for?" Corey said 
"To say I'm sorry" I said back "I know this was a silly little thing and I'm not going to say any names but it got blown up not by me or Corey or Jake or Sam or Aaron or Elton or anyone. It was just a misunderstanding, and also I miss having movie dates with you all."
"You said you weren't going to say names" Jake said
"Well I did so uh" I said
"Just eat my doughnuts."
The box got devoured in minutes. Everyone thanked me and Jake even gave me money for it and told me it was to "buy something special" I told him I wouldn't accept it but I did anyways.

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