Part 4

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Sam's POV
"Okay I feel a little better" was all I said jeez I'm so rude. Anyway what was I doing? Ahh yes, I thought to myself. Planning Colby's surprise party.

I really had no idea what to do, maybe Kat could help, I decided to call Kat and ask for help.

On phone
Kat: Hey Sammy what's up?
Sam: not much, just trying to plan Colby's birthday party.
Kat: oh cool, and you called me why?
Sam: oh ok, I was gonna ask if you want to help but I guess you don't.
Kat: no I'm sorry I do, you know what, I'm coming over.
Sam: finnnnee
I dragged on the ine part
Kat: yeah so get ready, because party planner Katrina is a coming.
Sam: oh ok right see you soon then
Kat: sure will ;)

Colby's birthday/ solby Where stories live. Discover now