Part 7

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Colby's POV
I felt really bad. Sam had told me to wait in my room while he talked to Corey and Jake. After a few minutes of silence there was a whole bunch of yelling and it was directed towards Sam, I wanted to go in there and punch Corey but I knew if I did that then I would cause more trouble, so I stayed in my room and waited for Sam. Just listening to him get screamed at broke my heart I could hear it through the paper thin walls and it was so clear what they were saying.

I knew I shouldn't have dragged Sam into this.

While I waited for Sam I started to cry listening to the conversation 'I don't think I've cried this much in my entire life' I thought to myself. That night I cried myself to sleep. Later on I heard Sam open my door, he waited for a minute, then closed it again, about 3 minutes later I heard quite sobbing coming from his room I felt so bad.

The next morning I was woken up to some tapping noise at my door. I knew today was a day were sam and I would only go into each other's rooms,the bathroom and only one at a time into the kitchen, but the tapping noise wouldn't stop so I groaned and got up and opened your door there stood Elton (I know Elton doesn't live in the house anymore but let's pretend that he still lives there)
"Elton what do you want I was sleeping" I said groggily
"Colby it's freaking 12:30 pm get up, you lazy ass" he said
"Now now don't be rude uncle Elty" I said
"Okay stop being weird" he said like he was sorta cringing
"Anyways you disrupted my beauty sleep why?" I asked
"Oh right, uh Brennen asked to see you at some point"
"Wait why are you telling me and not him?" I asked confused and a little sus.
"Oh because he called" he said with a friendly smile
"Oh ok well yeah I'll talk to him, thanks Elton"
"No problem Colby, byeee" he said in a girly voice.
"Byee Elty" I also said in a girly voice
"Make sure you call and not just text" he reminded me as he walked down stairs.

(This part is not true it's just for the story)
Now see the thing is I don't really like Brennen after some things that he did that weren't very good like he tried to break me and sam up (friendship wise jeez) and he tried to sabotage my channel because I was growing faster then he was when he had the same amount of subscribers he also bad mouthed me on a live stream with stuff like "Colby is actually such a rude person like he always want to be around and fit in with me and billy and jacko and when I've not had a very good vlogging week I will use him in the thumbnail to get views." I remember watching him on that stream saying this stuff and then I  dm-ed him saying "Okay I'm the rude one thanks bro, glad to know I will never be backstabbed by you and can always count on you!" "Oh and remember you can count on me too!!" Did I regret that? no.Did it feel good? Yes.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when My door opens up slightly "Colby?"
"Ahh you scared the crap out of me"
"Oh sorry" Sam said with a little chuckle. Sam walked in and shut my door and looked it.
"Sam are you okay?"
"Hm?" Sam said like he was deep in thought while also biting his lip intensely.
"Yeah I'm fine Colby" he said with a fake smile
"Why do you ask?"
"I heard you crying last night and I'm really sorry I had to drag you into this mess and........"I said almost in tears but still kept rambling but what happened next was something I had never expected.

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