Steal the Crates!

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"Interesting," Ezra said, watching the hand patting communication signals.

I wasn't paying attention to that anymore thought. The mandalorian was moving towards one of the speeders, acting casual. She tossed something onto one of the speeders and walked away. From even here, I could hear the timer of a bomb going off.

"This party is about to blow," I said, standing up.

"What do you-" Ezra said. But he never finished. The bomb went off, exploding the speeder and throwing the storm trooper that had the misfortune of being nearby. Fire and smoke rose quickly and one of the officers yelled at the remaining storm troopers to get the crates out of there. I smirked as Ezra stared at the damage in surprise.

"We better make our move as well," I said, grabbing my staff and pulling it out of the holder. The storm troopers got on the speeders and started driving them away.

"'All costs?'" Ezra repeated. "I like the sound of that."

"You and me both." We started running along the roof tops, trying to keep up with the speeders as they went. We stopped at the edge of one and watched what was happening below. The guy I saw earlier had blocked the speeders' path and pulled out his blaster, taking out storm troopers. But, even for him, there were too many. Just then the Lasanian came running out and started throwing the troopers around like toys. He soon took them all out.

"Now!" I said to Ezra. Ezra hopped down from the roof and landed on a speeder. The man and Lasanian looked at him shocked.

"Thanks for doing the heavy lifting!" Ezra said, as he backed out with the speeder. I started jumping down from the roof and, just as the Lasanian started to take a swing at Ezra, I whacked him with my staff, hitting his hand back. He yelped in pain, and I hopped on top of the crates, saying, "Didn't anybody tell you not to pick on anybody smaller then you? That's just not fair."

Now the man and Lasanian were irritated. Ezra started to drive the speeder back up the alley, away from the coming troopers and the mysterious duo. He moved forward and we were out of the square and into another alley. I moved from the second crate up to the first, and it's a good thing I did. We both heard a loud Thump! I turned around to be face to face with the mandalorian.

"Pretty gutsy move for you two kids!" she said.

"Ez!" I said, holding my staff towards the mandalorian. "Start shaking things up!"

Ezra started swerving and I kept my balance while the mandalorian managed to stay on. I pointed my staff at her and she pulled out a blaster, aiming it at me. I held my staff, ready.

"If the big guy catches you, he'll end you," she said, pointing the blaster down, cutting the connection with her crate and mine. "Good luck!"

I glanced at Ezra and we both had the same look, which was of amusement and confusion. Ezra started to speed up and I lowered myself on the crate, so I wouldn't fall off. We came around a corner and four storm troopers were at the end, readying to fire. I held my staff, ready to deflect any blaster fire. The metal on my staff would deflect them easily and, with a lot of practice, I can aim the blast for my own advantage.

But before I could do any of that, blaster shots were heard from behind me and the four storm troopers fell. I looked behind me and saw that the guy and Lasanian were following behind us, on speeders with some of the crates as well.

"Who are these guys?" I said to Ezra. He shrugged his shoulders, not knowing the answer to my question. I looked up and yelled, "Ezra! Pay attention!"

He quickly made a sharp left turn, nearly hitting a crowd of people. I whacked him over the head, saying, "Pay attention! We want to get away in one piece without hurting anybody!"

"Alright! Alright! Chill!" he said, focusing on driving. We soon came onto the buys part of the road, with the group still on our tail. Suddenly, blasters filled the air and I heard one whiz past my head. I turned around and started deflecting any blasters trying to hit us. I noticed not only did we have to two chasing us, but now storm troopers on speeders after us as well.

"Great," I said. One blast hit one of the engines on our speeder. "That's not good!"

Ezra jerked to the left, making me slip and fall down on the crate. We were now on the opposite side of the road, weaving out of the way for others come our way in the opposite direction. I managed to fix my position to where I was crouching now, and I held onto the edge of the crate. I glanced to right and saw in time the guy toss a bomb to one of the storm troopers, who fell back and, seconds later, blew up from the bomb going off.

"Speed it up, Ez!" I said. Ezra pushed the handles forward and we sped up. I looked behind me and saw that the Lasarian wasn't following us anymore, but only the guy. He had dropped off his crates and was speeding up, going a lot faster without the extra load. Suddenly, the guy sped up and made a jump with his speeder onto our side of the road. I looked and saw he blocked our path.

"STOP!" I screamed. Ezra slowed down quickly and turned, and we stopped, just in front of the guy's speeder. Ezra sighed and put his head down, annoyed. I glared at the guy from where I sat on the crate.

"Who are you?" I asked, holding my staff ready in case this guy wanted to pick a fight.

"I'm the guy who was stealing that crate," he said, pointing at the crate.

"Hey look," Ezra said, looking up. "We stole this stuff, whatever it is, fair and square."

"And you two made it pretty far, but I have plans for that crate. Today's not your day," the man replied. I then noticed a Tie Fighter coming towards us, looking like it was ready to blast us. I smirked and said, "Well, the day's not over."

Ezra then pushed on the handles and moved us around the guy in time. The Tie Fighter started blasting and blew up the guy's speeder. We started down the road again. I sat on the crate, waving at him. "Have a good one!" I said, putting on my best smile to annoy him. Soon, we were off the path and into the tall grass again, heading back to our home.

Just then, I heard the sound of a Tie fighter and I stood up on the crate, getting ready to blast. "What's ever in these crates," I yelled to Ezra, "Must be pretty important!"

The Tie fighter blasted towards us, and I managed to deflect it's one blast. But I had never practiced with a blast from a Tie fighter before, so the impact was startling heavy. But I managed to get it deflected. The Tie fighter shot again, and I ducked. The blast hit the connector between the crate and the speeder and, suddenly, both Ezra and I were flying through the air.

I landed hard on my right foot, feeling pain shoot up my leg. "AHH!" I screamed, falling flat on the ground. I heard running feet and Ezra was by me. "Eliza! Are you okay?!" Ezra asked, his voice full of worry.

"I think I sprained my foot," I said, trying to stand up. I leaned heavily against my staff for support and looked at the wreckage. the crate was still in one piece, but the speeder was totaled. I then heard the noise of the Tie Fighter coming.

"We got to get-" I started, but then, blasters hit the Tie Fighter and it blew up. I looked at what just happened, shocked. We both turned around and saw a ship behind us. The main hatch was open and the guy from earlier was standing there, putting away his blaster.

"You want a ride?" he yelled to us. I looked at the guy then noticed more Tie Fighters coming.

"You guys have a better option?" he yelled, trying to hurry us up.

"I'll go first," I said. "Don't forget the crate!" I put pressure on my right foot and, although it hurt, did my best to ignore it. I started running, trying with all the will power to ignore it. I used my staff and pushed myself up high. I flew and tucked and rolled into the ship. When I came to a stop, my staff fell out of my hand and I held my ankle. It felt like it was on fire.

Couple seconds later, Ezra made it up onto the ship, with crate and all. He pushed the crate towards the guy and ran over towards me. The guy moved the crate up the ramp and I saw a pair of feet in front of me. I looked up and saw the mandalorian from earlier, and a little further into the ship, the Lasanian. Ezra helped me up, but I waved him away, leaning heavily against the staff.

"You alright?" the guy asked walking over to me.

I nodded, panting for breath. The guy seemed to notice I wasn't standing on my right foot and he placed a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and he said, "I'm not going to hurt you. You need to sit down." He helped me over to a chair and I sat down.

"Thank you," I mumbled, lying my staff across my lap. the guy then went over and broke a near fight between Ezra and the Lasanian. He then walked up a ladder near the Lasanian, which I assumed lead to the front of this ship. I wasn't paying much attention to Ezra's bickering with the Lasanian. Instead, I was checking my ankle for anything broken. Luckily, nothing. I took my staff and unclipped two parts of it. I ripped a part of my poncho off, although it made me sad to do so. I took the cloth and wrapped it around my ankle, where I had placed the two poles on either side of my foot.

"We just want off this burner," I heard Ezra say.

"Please," the Lasanian said, "Nothing would thrill me more then tossing you out, while in flight!"

I stood up and pointed my staff at the Lasanian, saying, "You throw him out, your going to have to go through me."

The Lasanian laughed, "You and with that little stick?"

"Oh you don't want to see her when she's mad," Ezra said. "Even when her staff is shortened."

Suddenly, the ship jerked and I fell over. I slowly got up and saw the Lasanian throw Ezra into a smaller room. He looked at me and said, "Your turn."

I pointed my staff at him, "I don't want you touching me. So I'll just walk in thank you."

He growled, but opened the door, pushing me in with Ezra. He closed the door, which was sure to be locked from the outside. I turned around, only to see that Ezra was starting down the ventilation shaft. I climbed in after him, making sure to be careful as I went. "Smart move," I whispered. He nodded, and we kept crawling through, as we heard the crew's voices from below. Ezra stopped and, suddenly fell down and out of the shaft.

"Ez!" I said, looking down. I sighed; he was alright. Probably a bruise from the landing. I climbed out and landed next to him, making sure to be careful on my ankle. I looked and saw that we weren't on Lothal anymore, but in space. And that two Tie fighters were coming at us.

"Well, this is a very interesting day," I said, as I watched the Tie Fighters come at us.


*I do not own anything except the Original Character Eliza Bridger*

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