A New Darkness Rises

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All of us were gathered in the control room of the ship, where Sabine had a holo-map of the prison set up for all of us to look at. From what I was told before I entered the room, the groups were Kanan, Ezra and I. Zeb and Sabine. And Hera and David would be staying with the ship.

Sabine kept point out the various exits of the prison, saying, "Welcome to the spire on Stygeon Prime, the only imperial detainment facility in the Stygeon system. And it's impregnable."

"That's never stopped us before" Kanan said. Sabine chuckled, saying, "Trust me, we have never faced anything like this. It's a real work of art. Blast proof, ray shielded, protected by anti-ship weapons, TIE fighters and short and long range scanners."

"We can fool the scanners," Hera said.

"Eh, maybe. But that just leaves an army of troopers and guard posts on all the walls. Look, even if we get into this beauty, the hard part is getting out. Cause, you know, it's a prison."

"What about going in low and sneaking onto this land platform?" Ezra asked, pointing at the holo-map's landing platform.

Sabine shook her head, "Platform has heavy trooper presence and reinforced last doors. Impossible to get in or out."

"What about there?" I asked, pointing to a small platform, higher up the spire. Kanan nodded, thinking of an idea. "There's only room for a couple guards. We take them down, make our way to the upper levels, the isolation cells, free Luminara, and come back out the way we came in."

Chopper started making noises and Sabine nodded, saying, "Yeah. You'd have to be crazy to try that lousy plan."

David laughed and said, "Let's hope the Empire thinks so too."

Chopper started making noises again and Zeb said, "Oh, I'm sorry Chop. I guess we don't need your damage logic circuits on this one."

Chopper started complaining and rolled away, not looking to happy. I sighed and went to my room.

I needed to get ready for the mission.

-Time skip!-

"Thirty seconds," Hera said over the comm-link. "Good luck."

"Luck?" Zeb said, standing behind Ezra, Kanan, and I. "We're going to need a miracle."

"I got three right here," Sabine said, holding out three detonators. She handed one to Zeb and held on two. As this exchanged happen, Kanan turned to us and said, "Try to stay focused."

"I thought you said there was no try," Ezra said. I punched his shoulder and said, "You know what he means, Ez."

Ezra rolled his eyes as the ghost drew close to the platform, once it was within range, Kanan jumped from the ship and started taking on the troopers. Ezra looked excited and, before any of us knew it, he had jumped out of the ship.

"Ez!" I shouted, jumping after him. Ezra tried to stick his landing, but he tumbled and slammed into the door. I used my staff to help me brace for the landing. I tumbled and landed on all fours, keeping quiet. Kanan didn't look too happy, but he didn't have time to lecture as more Storm troopers came through the door. With a little help from Sabine and Zeb, we managed to take them out.

As Sabine started picking the lock, Kanan turned to us and said, "Stunts like that will put us all in jeopardy."

"Hey, it wasn't Eliza's fault," Ezra said. "I should've waited."

Kanan sighed and said, "Well, try to stay focus and stick to the plan."

"I hate to interrupt you guys," Sabine said. "But I need Ezra to unlock the door."

"I got it," Ezra said, pulling out his tool for lock picking. As he started picking the lock, Kanan started getting anxious. "Ezra," he said, sounding impatient.

"Shh, I'm focusing," Ezra said. I smirked, just as Ezra unlocked the door. We ran down the hallway, trying to find the elevators on this floor. As we reached them, Sabine started putting in codes, trying to find the information we needed. I could tell Kanan was trying to find Master Luminara and I asked, "Is she here?"

"Yeah," Kanen said, looking confused. "But her presence is clouded." He then looked at Sabine and asked, "Where's master Unduli?"

"Detention Block CC-01," Sabine said, looking at the small screen. "Isolation Cell 0169."

Now Kanan looked confused and shocked, "They have isolation cells on the lowers levels? We planned off outdated schematics."

"What does that mean?" Ezra said.

"It means the plan changes," Kanan explained.

"You got a back-up?" Zeb asked, sounding nervous.

"Figuring one out right now. Zeb, Sabine, you come with us."

We all started to file into on of the elevators heading down. As we all filed in, Zeb asked, "Weren't we suppose to hold our escape route here?"

"Now the turbo lift is our escape route. Let's go."

The doors closed and the elevator started to move down. Sabine scoffed and said, "His plan gets worse all the time."

"Just hope he doesn't change it again," Zeb said.

"You know I'm standing right here," Kanan said, sounding annoyed.

"We know," they both responded. I giggled, getting a glare from Kanan. I looked away from him, but still was silently laughing. The elevator doors opened and two troopers stood ahead of us. Zeb knocked them out easily and, as we walked out, Kanan said, "Maintain comm silence. And whatever you do, hold this lift."

Zeb and Sabine nodded, and the trio of us ran down the hallway, trying to find Master Luminara's cell. As we fought off troopers, Kanan seemed to be more and more serious as we went. We soon reached a cell with two troopers guarding it. I raised my staff, but Kanan lowered it, shaking his head.

"I got an idea," he said, walking towards the troopers. He stopped in front of them and said, while moving his hand, "Shouldn't you be guarding the Jedi's cell? It's on the next level."

"It's on the next level," The troopers repeated.

"You better get moving."

"We better get moving," and with that, the troopers walked away, heading towards the elevators to go to the next level. Ezra and I looked at Kanan, shocked. "When do we learn that?" I asked, as Kanan pushed the necessary buttons to open the cell.

"Luminara will teach you two better then I could," Kanan replied. I flinched by the comment; that seemed a bit harsh. We walked into the cell and saw Luminara sitting on the bunk, looking as if she was thinking. Ezra and I looked, but were a bit confused. "Is that really her?" Ezra asked.

"Yes, but something isn't right," Kanan said. He looked up at Luminara and said, "Master?"

She then got up from her bunk and walked to our rights. She walked towards a box, where she phased right through it. She turned around and, suddenly, her skin wrinkled and sunken in to the point that she look dead. She closed her eyes, and we all gasped.

"What happened to her?!" Ezra asked, concerned and confused. I felt a cold shiver go down my back and spun around, to see somebody else in the cell with us. He wore a dark uniform, and held a light saber in his hands. His skin was pales and his eyes a sickly yellow. He red marks on his face, on his forehead and underneath his eyes. When he spoke, I could see that his teeth looked sharp.

"No?" he said, getting the attention of Kanan and Ezra. "It doesn't seem complicated."

He took a step towards us and said, "I am the inquisitor."


*I do not own anything except the Original Characters Eliza Bridger and David*

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