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When I finally came too, my whole body felt like it was broken. Except it wasn't; just really, really, really sore. I slowly opened my eyes, and my eyes adjusted to the light in the room. It was a small jail cell room. What made it even nicer was the fact that it was clean. I slowly sat up, my head feeling heavy and sore. I glanced at my ankle and winced. It looked worse then it was before. No thanks to the agent stepping on it.

I leaned against the wall behind me, and lifted my ankle slowly onto my knee. Thankfully, the poles were still on the sides of my foot for me to still be able to walk on. I adjusted them, and tighten the cloth, making sure that it was tight and comfortable. Just then, the sound of a door opening and a voice was heard. "You're awake," I heard. I quickly looked up to see the agent from before, standing in the doorway.

I glared at him and went back to finishing the tightening on my ankle. I heard his footsteps walk towards me, and I could see his feet out of my peripheral vision. I glanced up, and saw he was looking down at me. "I am Agent Kallus of the Emperial security bureau and you are?" he asked.

"Jabba the Hut," I said, fixing the bandages. The was a moment of silence, before Agent Kallus continued, "Well, 'Jabba', you probably know why I'm here."

"Yeah, and I don't know anything about those guys," I spat, glaring at him. "I just met those guys today."

"You're not here for what you know, 'Jabba'", he said. "You're here to be used as bait upon our return to Lothal."

I smirked, "Bait? Why would any of those guys come back for me? Last I checked, people don't do that anymore, unless there related."

He sighed and took a step towards me. He looked me straight in the face and I didn't lower my gaze from him. He brushed some dust that was on my shoulder and walked away. "Creep," I mumbled. He walked out of the door and next thing I knew, both Storm troopers came into the cell. One of them grabbed my wrist, removing the electromagnetic slingshot from my arm. The other grabbed the belt from my waist, removing it.

"Hey! Let go!" I yelled. The Storm troopers did, leaving me in my cell with the door closed. I sighed, sitting on the floor. "At least Ezra is safe," I said, walking back over and sitting on the bench. I felt something poke my pocket and, when I looked, I saw it was the golden box from earlier. I tried opening it, but it wouldn't open. I grew irritated and threw it across the room.

"So much for that helping me," I mumbled. I placed my elbows on my knees and sighed, leaning into my hands. I sighed; this was such a great situation I got myself into. I sighed again and just tried to relax. I'll think of something; I always do. And I'm sure I would get out of here somehow. As I calmed down, I kept thinking about the golden box. I focused on it, and just relaxed and calmed myself down as much as I could, only focusing on the golden box.

Suddenly, I heard a voice speaking and when I looked up, the golden box had opened and showed a hologram of a person. "Wow," I said, awed by this. I've only heard about these but never really seen one in person. It was a Holocron, and from the looks of it, a Jedi one. The box finished replaying the message and the box closed up. I walked over to pick up the box, and just as I did I heard a commotion outside. I went to the door, placing my ear against it; what the heck was going on?

Next thing I knew, the door opened and I was face to face with someone. I took a step back and saw that the person was my age, or roughly. He was tall and had blue eyes. He had jet black hair that went past his ears a little and his skin was pale. He wore a dark red shirt that had a white band that went across the chest that had items that would be on a utility belt. He wore grey pants and black boots. He seemed surprised by my appearance because he took a step back too.

"Well, wrong room," he said, starting to leave.

"Wait!" I said, stepping out of the cell, noticing the guards were unconscious. He looked at me, and that was when I noticed a scar on his nose. It went across the bridge of his nose, but it was faint. It must've happened a while ago but still. "Thank you, for getting me out of there," I finished.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Hey, we're both prisoners on this ship. So ones got to help the other. But to be honest, I thought I was the only one."

"Same here," I said, walking over to him. "But I need to get my stuff before getting out of here."

"Same. That's what I've been doing; looking for the storage because that's where they keep the prisoner's stuff and storm trooper helmets."

I nodded. "Well, I can definitely show you where that is." I then led the way, back tracking to where I saw the door earlier. Once we found it, we went through and found each others stuff. I grabbed my electromagnetic slingshot and utility belt. The guy grabbed a wrist band communicator and what looked like a weirdly bent silver pole. I gave him a questioning look. He rolled his eyes, "It's a compactible bow. I can use it as a walking staff or as a bow when need be."

"Interesting," I said. I grabbed one of the helmets and saw that the guy was starting to go out of the door. I grabbed his wrist.

"What?" he asked. "You scared of being by yourself?"

I gritted my teeth. "No," I snapped. "You're going to get caught if you're walking around out there."

"Okay, what's your plan then, little Ms. Know-it-all?" he commented. If I could, I would hit him so hard. But now wasn't the time. "Two words," I said, and pointed to the air shaft. "Ventilation system."

"Oh," he said. I opened the air vent and started crawling through. He followed behind me. "So, hey," I heard. "I never did catch your name."

I rolled my eyes, "And why should I tell you?"

"Okay, I can see your point in doubting me, but hey! I did save your from that jail cell, so you kind of owe me."

I was about ready to say no, but I sighed. He DID get my out of that jail cell. "Eliza," I said. "Eliza Bridger."

"Sweet!" he said. "The name's David."

"Any last name?"

He seemed to hesitate, but eventually said, "No last name. I don't know who my parents are. they were taken by the Empire before I was old enough to remember who they were."

"So you've been out on your own?"

"Well, I lived in an orphanage until I ran away. But other then that, yeah."

I couldn't check to see if he was lying, but I figure the story was true. I stopped and placed the helmet on my head. "What are you doing?" I heard David say. I ignored him and listened to the comm-links on the ships. From what I was hearing, it sounded like Ezra and everybody else were on there way back. For me.

"They're coming back?!" I said, nearly jumping in in excitement. I banged my head against the air vent, but I didn't care. The voices kept talking and I realized they were trying to set a trap. I cleared my throat and made my voice sound lower and said, "Sir, wouldn't it be smart to wait in hanger six?"

"Maybe," Kallus said. "Split the group in half. Half of you go to five, the other to six."

I removed the helmet and said, "Whatever can help them."

"Help who?" I heard David say. "What's going on?"

I looked over my shoulder and said, "We're about to get some help."

We kept crawling through, until we came to an air vent. I pushed open the air vent and jumped down. I looked up and saw Zeb, Sabine, Kanan, and Ezra. "Eliza!" Ezra said, shocked.

"Hey-" I started, but then David landed on top of me and I fell to the ground.

"Uh, why didn't you move?" he asked.

"Another one?!" Kanan said, shocked.

"Guys, David," I said, introducing him to them. "David, friends. Now can you get off of me!"

David got up and helped me up. "Why is he with you?" Ezra asked, looking suspiciously at David.

"I helped her escape, kid," David said. "What's it to you?"

"Guys, we got to go," I said, looking at everybody. Just then, agent Kallus and two storm troopers came running down the hallway. I threw the helmet at them and started running. We all started running back to the ship. Kanan yelled in his comm-link, telling Hera that they needed to get out of there now. As we ran, David slammed his staff on the ground and an electromagnetic string connected the two ends of the staff, making it into a bow. He pulled the string back, creating an electromagnetic arrow, and shooting it. He missed, but it did send a shock to any of the nearby storm troopers.

"Whoa," I said, stopping. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. It was Zeb. "This time, you go first," he said, pushing me into the ship. David, Kanan and Ezra followed. Once we were all on the ship, the ramp closed and the ship started to take off. I looked at Sabine and saw she had a detonator.

"Would you like to do the honors, Eliza?" she asked.

"Gladly," I said. I took the detonator, and pressed the button. An explosion was heard and it rocked the ship a little, but not too much for us to get out of the Star Destroyer and into space. Once in space, we jumped into hyperspace and were safe.


*I do not own anything except the Original Characters Eliza Bridger and David.*

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