Helpful/Annoying Droids

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"Oh look, Chopper made friends," Sabine said, breaking the silence. Chopper turned around and didn't sound too happy when he saw the droids behind him.

"I'm C-3PO," said the golden droid. "And this is my counter part, R2-D2. " He kept talking saying how they were attacked, when Zeb and Kanen came walking past them, making C-3PO stop talking in shock. As we flew out into space, we all gathered around the droids, trying to figure out what to do with them.

"Emperial droids," I said, looking at them. Kanan nodded and said to Sabine, "Get some restraining pole on them, specter five."

"On it," she said, walking out of the hanger. Kanan turned to us and said, "Specter six, seven, eight and three, keep an eye on them."

"Right, that'll happen," Ezra said, as Kanan walked away. I punched Ezra's shoulder and said, "For once, listen to him."

"Excuse me, but this is a terrible mistake," C-3PO said. We all started walking away, only to have C-3PO follow us. His rambling was getting really annoying and I turned to David and said, "Do you have anything that can shut him up?"

"If I did, I would've used it already," he mumbled, glaring at the annoying droid. I leaned against the wall, watching the droids and David stood next to me. Sabine came back and brought the poles with her. She placed the poles on the droids, and we all went to our separate cabins. David grabbed my shoulder before I went into mine and said, "Hey, you okay?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You seemed a on the mission today."

"I'm okay, I just need some rest."

He removed his hand from my shoulder and I went into the cabin. Sabine wasn't in here, which meant I had the place to myself before we arrived back to Lothal to finish the deal. I climbed up the ladder and lied down on my bunk, feeling exhausted. I wasn't sure why I was feeling so tired. I felt my eyes growing heavy, and was about to sleep, when I heard some shouting outside. I rolled over and knew very well that Zeb and Ezra were fighting, AGAIN.

Just then, the door to my cabin opened and I heard Ezra said, "Eliza, Hera wants to see us."

I moaned and jumped from my bunk. "What does it take to get some sleep around here?" I grumbled, as I walked past Ezra and into the control room. Ezra started complaining to Hera about Zeb knocking him out of his room. I wasn't paying much attention because I was just really tired. I had sat down in Sabine's chair and was nodding off, when I felt Ezra nudge me and I jerked awake, saying, "I'm awake!"

"Eliza, what's wrong? You haven't been sleeping lately have you?" Hera asked.

"Just worries and such," I said.

"She has really bad anxieties," Ezra said. "If she gets worried over something, she can't stop thinking about it."

"Ezra, do you mind if I talk to Eliza, alone," Hera said. Ezra nodded and left. Hera turned to me and said, "What's bothering you?"

"Kanan's been bothering me," I blurted. Hera raised an eyebrow. "I mean Jedi training wise," I said quickly. "He's been giving me lessons, but not Ezra. I just see it as unfair advantage if I started early. And I'm so worried about failing as a Jedi that I-"

"Eliza, slow down," Hera said, noticing my speech was picking up in pace. I sighed and said, "I feel like Kanan should give Ezra a chance and start training him now."

"I think so too," she said. "And once we finish this mission, I'll have a chat with him."

We soon came out of hyper space and were back at Lothal. I sighed; hopefully, my worries will be over. Hera sent me down to join the others at the cargo hold. I tapped my foot nervously as we waited for Hera. David noticed my foot tapping and asked, "Can your foot go any faster?"

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